Keepers' Diaries, May 2023

Kaluku Neonate Unit

This month marked the graduation of our original ‘Kaluku Trio’ to Ithumba, where they will learn to live as wild elephants. Bondeni, Kindani, and Kinyei began their lives in Kaluku, before moving to our Nairobi Nursery in 2020. No matter where our orphans’ journeys take them, each one has the same destination: a life back in the wild. It is difficult to imagine now, but even our smallest babies are working towards this shared goal. Someday, many years from now, Mwinzi and Doldol will be impressive, full-grown elephants presiding over the vast Tsavo wilderness. But for now, they are thoroughly enjoying the 24-hour Keeper care and spoiling at our Kaluku Neonate Nursery!