Faru Team Burra Update: 01 December 2006

Faru Team Burra Update: 01 December 2006


Mathew Kiura – team leader Samuel Odero Peter Wambua John Malonza Once casual - cook 2 KWS Rangers

Area of operation:

During the month of December, the Burra team concentrated its activities in the area adjacent to the park as the heavy rains made most roads impassable.

The areas patrolled were Ndii, Ngutuni, Bachuma/Maungu power line, Ndara ranch, Sagala ranch, Mbulia ranch and parts of Tsavo West adjacent to Mbulia ranch.



A total of 112 snares were lifted, 92 of which targeted small game, mainly Dikdik, 19 targeted medium sized game such as Gazelles, 1 targeting large game such as Zebras and Buffaloes.

The team found one dead Zebra at Bachuma, and a dead Dikdik at Ndii. The Dikdik had drowned in the flood waters in the Ndii area
whilst the reason for the Zebras death is not clear, although human wildlife conflict is suspected to be the cause as the carcass was found very close to human settlement.

Observable evidence.

Following the rains most of the poachers have abandoned their snaring efforts and have returned to their farms to tend to them. This however does not mean that snaring is not taking place as in some areas the number of snares lifted was high. There were however few poaching activities taking place in the park as well as in most of the community ranches with the exception being the Mbulia group ranch.

Buchuma/Maungu power line There were no snaring activities in this area. The team came across a dead zebra, whose death was not clearly established.

The carcass was found near human settlement and thus the cause of death was linked to human wildlife conflicts.

Ngutuni There were no poaching activities observed in this area. The team came across a lone, sickly buffalo that was resting under a tree.

It was closely observed in order to ensure that it was not trapped in a snare.

Ndii/ Irima A few snares were found in these areas during the month of December. However the destruction of vegetation is still a problem in this area.

Fresh signs of illegal logging were observed. There has been an increase in the wildlife populations in the area and the team came across several Impala, Kongoni and lots of Dikdiks.
Flooding in the area caused the death of one Dikdik.

Ndara and Sagala ranches There were few snares found in these areas due to the frequent patrols carried out over the past two months. However as with Ndii and Irima the destruction of vegetation is still a problem.

Mbulia group ranch There was evidence of poaching and snaring in this area. Most of the snares lifted during the month were from here.

The poachers have shifted their activities from the southern areas to the northern areas adjacent to Tsavo West National Park. The destruction of vegetation was also observed to be taking place in the area.

Voi area Despite its close proximity to the park headquarters the team lifted a moderate number of snares from this area.

The snares targeted small and medium sized game, especially the Impalas that graze in the area.

Report by Mathew Kiura