Faru Team Burra Update: 01 November 2003

Faru Team Burra Update: 01 November 2003


Isaac Maina Jacob Dadi Samuel Odero KWS ranger KWS ranger


The operation concentrated on Ndara-Sagalla area which went simultaneously with removing of old railway telephone wires. The flat acacia thorny and bushy plane lies between Maungu and Sagalla hills is used for livestock ranching. Ndara area which also harbors charcoal burners yielded 153 snares all except 6 bird snares targeting dikdiks. Some of these were planted around homestead fences. Sagalla ranch had 284 snares. Five Dikdiks were found snares of which one was found in good time to save it. The other four which had died an agonizing death by strangulation were all found on one day. Many snares wer found on snare lines elected deep inside the ranch. The combination here were 9 bird snares, 11 medium sized snares while the rest were dikdik snares. On the southern boundary of Sagalla ranch lies the Westerman camp where 11 snares were recovered. Another 60 snares had been recovered by the camp personnel two days previously. A private sanctuary neighbouring the park had 10 snares on it. Other areas included Voi forest. A re-visit to Irima yielded 14 snares inside the park and 22 snares on the outer side between park fence line and railway line. On related events two wlwphants were reported at Salt lake with snares and a lioness which was successfully attended to . We also encountered a giraffe with a winch wire snare on the neck on Bachuma area. A mature male elephant was also encountered with a winch wire snare cutting deep on its foot. Altogether the exercise yielded a total of 501 snares, one Dikdik was rescued and sadly four were found dead.

Railway Wire Collection

The exercise continued between Voi toward Mackinon road. We covered this stretch up to Mackinnon road where the park ends. Most of the area had three strands of wire, in other four and in some areas all had been vandalized especially between Wangala and Bachuma stations. The exercise was slowed down in some area by the long distance between the railway line and collection road hence the wires were to be ferried long distances costing much time and energy. Also hot temperatures and rust made it difficult to handle them without gloves. The remaining section is between Tsavo river and Mutito Andei which is a span of 40 Km. Here we expect to have 3 running strands coupled with long distances between railway lines and access roads.