Faru Team Burra Update: 01 September 2005

Faru Team Burra Update: 01 September 2005


David Njoroge Michael M. Mwangi Sammy Adero Peter Wambua Ikuthu Mwoni 2 KWS Rangers

Area of operation:

The areas patrolled this month included Ngutuni, Ndii, Irima, Kanjire, Mublia, Sagalla, Lion Hill and Sisal farms.



The month’s operations were concentrated on the areas that adjacent to the park and especially around the ranches that are situated near the parks corridors. Lion hill which is found a few meters from the main gate yielded a total of 68 snares most of which targeted Dikdiks. The snares had been placed in the bushes which are scattered around the area. We believe that the poachers, who are probably from the nearby village, place the snares in the small thickets as most people don’t think to look there. It was also noted that a section of the electric fence is being to enter the park as well pass firewood from the park to the surrounding community areas.

We tried to gather information about poachers by carrying out our investigations in the ranches and community areas. We approached the community elders in our efforts to gain information so as to better aid us in our efforts in curbing poaching. We got a warm reception from a lodge manager in Ngutuni; with his help we were able to arrest a poacher in possession of 89 snares

targeting both small and big game, as he was setting them. Upon interrogation he gave us further information about poachers which we used to prepare several ambushes. Sadly no arrests were made. We did however manage to lift a further 130 snares in the area and came across 20 Dikdik skins.

Along the Ndii Irima stretch we came across a giraffe carcass and several giraffe snares were spotted and consequently lifted.

Due to the fact that the snares are made from stolen electrical wires they are strong enough to trap an elephant.

During the months operation we were able to arrest one poacher who upon trial was sentenced to 6 months in jail. We lifted 555 snares from the park and its corridors.

It was noted that snaring is still a major problem especially in the ranches where there is a large number of wildlife. We continue in our efforts to capture poachers and minimize the brutal killing of wildlife.

Report David Njoroge