Peregrine Team Update: 01 January 2005

Peregrine Team Update: 01 January 2005


Peter Wambua Isaiya Ndei


Our team was assigned duties at the new trust farms. We were to open the farms boundaries by slashing the grass and cutting tree branches. We patrolled along the Athi River and the Mtito River both of which are at the parks boundaries. Adjacent farms which are owned by other farmers were also patrolled with no cases of snaring being detected. The trees which were planted at the new trust farms are well maintained and are watered on a daily basis. The farms are also well patrolled in order to keep the livestock out and prevent grazing by domesticated animals. Due to the lack of rainfall the Mtito River is almost dry this has caused an increase in the amount of wild animals coming into community lands in search of pasture and water. The wild animals are killed by a variety of methods. Some are killed by poisonous arrows, while others are killed at night by pangas. We have also heard of snares being set late at night and then removed early in the morning together with whatever animal happened to be caught in the snare Last year our teams were threatened by the poachers on numerous occasions. We were told not to collect the snares that had been placed. One of the most dangerous poachers was arrested towards the end of last year after having cut James’s hand and was sentenced to two years in prison. The youth in the communities are always busy. They organize sports in the various fields. Matches and competitions, which were attended by various teams, were held at Ngiluni and Kyusiyani.

Report by Peter Wambua