Peregrine Team Update: 01 July 2002

Peregrine Team Update: 01 July 2002

Area of Operation

Our usual area of operation was patrolled. The community was constantly visited, especially the Primary Schools.

Participants Patrick Mutuku Plederix Mutuku


As reported by the Mtito Team’s June report (they covered this land in June) this is the peak period for snaring, we lifted a total of 50 snares. All of them were fresh snares meant for small animals like Dik diks. The worst snared areas were Sassoon’s and Nutter’s Farms. With it being the dry season and animals concentrated along water courses the poachers have a better chance of catching animals. The farms are dormant at this time of the year – so very little activity in the farms. We are leaving nothing to chance, and are out every day in the bush.

On 17th July a very young lesser kudu was rescued on the Trust land by one of the building casuals. It was unable to stand, and too weak to walk so we assume that the mother has been killed. It has been named Makutano, meaning road junction, and is being reared at Kaluku with the little duiker from Iviani (rescued by the schoolboy from dogs. They will eventually be returned to the wild when we think that they are strong enough.

Community Project

The seedlings have done very well in the new tree nursery, next to the Trust House. Transplanting into bags is now finished and as soon as the rains start, they will be donated to the Community.

Three Primary Schools, namely, Ngiluni, Iviani, Kikwasuni benefited from 3 footballs, which were donated, through The Trust by Mr. and Mrs. Moore. The wildlife films have enhanced our Community work in pursuit of our vigorous campaign towards wildlife conservation.

Report compiled by