Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 March 2009

Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 March 2009


Nicodemus Kivindyo – team leader John Mungai Abdi Adan Boru Okicha Gerald Maghanga 2 KWS Rangers

Area of operation:

During the month of March, the Ziwani team covered the following areas: Mkuki Ranch (Tsavo West region), Ghazi area (Yatta plateau, Tsavo East National Park Northern area).


FINDINGS During the month of March the team lifted a total of 158 snares, 21 of which targeted large game and 137 targeting small game.

The team was also able to arrest four poachers and one illegal cattle grazer. All five individuals were arrested in the Ghazi area. Logging and charcoal burning continue to be a problem in the park with the four arrested poachers being charged with this offence in addition to the poaching charges.

Observable evidence:

This month there has been a slight decrease in the number of snares being lifted. This however, does not meant that poaching has reduced, evidenced by the fact that the team was able to arrest four poachers in the park all of whom were in possession of snares which shows that snaring is still actively taking place especially in the Ghazi area, where the four poachers were arrested.

The Mkuki area is an area that has recently been identified by the team as an area where poaching is taking place. Twenty ones snares were lifted all of which targeted large game.

Mkuki Ranch

This area lies between Tsavo east and Tsavo West National parks and thus is an important wildlife migratory corridor for animals moving between the two ecosystems.

The team realized that there is an increase in poaching in this ranch as there had not been any reports of snaring taking place in the area in the past. However, due to the ongoing drought and the increase in food insecurity in the area, snaring has now become a problem.

During our desnaring operations on the ranch we were able to lift a total of 21 snares all of which targeted large game.

Charcoal burning was seen to be taking place in close vicinity to where the snares were lifted, which is an indication that the individuals engaging in charcoal burning are also engaged in poaching.

The team will visit the ranch in the coming months in an effort to assess the magnitude of the problems taking place and device better methods to curb any illegal activities.

Ghazi area

This area lies in the Northern part of Tsavo East National Park. Part of this area is fenced, especially where the park is adjacent to the community lands, in an effort to minimize human wildlife conflict.

Despite the decision to fence parts of the park, the adjacent communities continue to cross into the park illegally in order to carry out illegal activities such as poaching, logging, charcoal burning and cattle grazing.

The team patrolled the area and lifted a total of 137 snares all of which targeted small game. We were also able to arrest four poachers and one cattle grazer, all of whom were found inside the park.

There is the need for more patrols in the area in order to control the illegal activities taking place inside the park.

Community Outreach

No community activities were undertaken this month.

Report by Nicodemus Kivindyo