Shimba's Archival Photos

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Shimba in the mudbath

Shimba in a bush

Shimba enjoying the green browse

Shimba joins Mzima & Siria for a dusting game

Shimba at the mudbath

Shimba right and Wasessa browsing

Shimba left & Lesanju on Mazinga hill

Shimba playing in the water

Shimba playing in the water

Shimba browsing

Shimba mount onto Mzima

Shimba left playing with Lempaute

Shimba getting covered in red earth

Shimba soil dusting

Shimba in the fields

Shimba leading the way

Shimba in the water

Shimba plahin in the soil

Shimba soil dusting

Mzima left & Shimba sizing up

Shimba stuffing grass in his mouth

Shimba leaving the mudbath

Shimba soil bathing

Shimba leads

Shimba in the water

Shimba browsing

Shimba scratching against a trench

Shimba browsing as others rest

Lempaute and Shimba playing

Shimba at the back, remain with the wld grp

Sinya on the left and Shimba

Shimba leading


Shimba with a bloated tummy


Mzima sliding into the water with Shimba watching


Sinya and Shimba

Shimba & Wasessa


Shimba and Siria


Shimba welcomes Lempaute

Shimba leading the others

Shimba soil dusting

Shimba splashing water

Shimba enjoying a mudbath


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