Tusuja's latest photos

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Kauro playing with Tusuja

Tusuja, Kamok and Oltaiyoni

Tusuja browsing

Kauro after his pushing game with Tusuja

Kauro and Tusuja with keepers

Tusuja Ndotto and Rapa

Tusuja and Mbegu

Tusuja dusting after mud bathing

Tusuja teaching Ndotto some tricks

Tusuja with Rapa behind him

Tusuja playing with a stick

Tusuja and Jotto

Tusuja enjoying some nice browse

Tusuja eating

Tusuja grabbing a branch

Tusuja, a quieter bull, with Jotto

Rapa with older Tusuja

Tusuja and Godoma playing

Tusuja next to Kauro

Tusuja had a big pushing game with Ndotto today

Dupotto, Tusuja, Sirimon and Godoma on the right

Tusuja playing a funny game on the ground

Rapa and Tusuja, middle, and Roi on the right

Tusuja with Ngilai

Rapa, Tusuja and Roi on the right

Tusuja played a fun game with Alamaya

Godoma likes to browse in the company of Tusuja

Tusuja browsing


Rapa, Tusuja, Roi browsing with the others

Rapa did not like Tusuja's game with Mwashoti

Even Tusuja was chasing the piglets

Tusuja, left and Rapa

Tusuja, left and Rapa

Tusuja looking so much better

Rapa, left and Tusuja

Enkikwe, Tusuja and Lasayen

Tusuja had to discipline Rapa today

Rapa, left and Tusuja having their bottles

Ngilai, Mbegu and Tusuja

Tusuja looking so healthy and well

Tusuja was headbutted by Alamaya today

Tusuja is looking so healthy and well

Simotua, Rapa and Tusuja

Rapa accidentally stood on Tusuja's trunk

Tusuja is Rapa and Godoma's favourite

Little Godoma looking for Tusuja

Tusuja is starting to do better

Give Tusuja the gift of life by adopting today.