Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit Report for April 2022

Published on the 15th of May, 2022

SCA-Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit attended 5 veterinary cases during April 2022. The Amboseli and Chyulu Ecosystem remained dry and hot during the reporting period. Wild animals moved long distances in search of food and water leading to increased conflicts with the local human communities. Human-Wildlife Conflicts from elephants and lions occurred but few required veterinary attention.

Cases included, a baboon collared at Kitirua for research studies, two snares removed from zebras at Kimana sanctuary and post-mortem examination of a lion carcass at Amboseli National Park and an Elephant at Kibwezi-KARLO farm. The Unit also visited a lame elephant (Tolstoy) in Kimana Sanctuary but could not immobilize due to foreseeable complications related its advanced age and poor possibility of revival.

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