Meru Mobile Veterinary Unit | April 2023

Published on the 15th of May, 2023

Overcast skies and low temperatures characterized the days and nights in April, this was very conducive for herbivores. The Meru Conservation Area continued to receive substantial rainfall throughout the month resulting in an increase in forage and water for wildlife.

The SWT/KWS Meru Mobile Veterinary Unit handled 7 cases in April. These include: an autopsy on a female elephant carcass in the Oldonyiro Area that had visceral organ infection; treatment of an adult male lion in Meru National Park for a contaminated puncture wound; de-snaring a female common zebra in Ol Maisor; and treating an elephant bull with spear and arrow wounds in Meru National Park. In Mwea National Reserve, the veterinary team treated 2 Rothschild female giraffes (a sub-adult and an adult) for injuries caused by wire snares; the team also carried out an autopsy on a female Rothschild giraffe carcass that had died from hypoxia and pregnancy-related complications.

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