For the same reasons like in February, the caseload for the unit was still low during the month of March
For the same reasons like in February, the caseload for the unit was still low during the month of March. Rains have continued to be experienced in the Tsavos and forage and water is plenty and widespread. This has reduced incidences of human-wildlife conflicts which together with poaching for bush meat are the main causes of human induced injuries. The animals have also become widely dispersed and difficult to see. The rains are expected to continue until sometimes in May.
The unit was called to rescue an elephant calf at Mgenyo ranch that had been captured and confined by the ranch staff after it was occasionally seen alone around the ranch offices. The calf was healthy and it was airlifted to Nairobi.
Report by Dr. David Ndeereh
The Mobile Veterinary Unit operated by The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust working with The Kenyah Wildlife Service and funded by Vier Pfoten