Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit Report for April 2021

Published on the 15th of May, 2021

The high sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky with showers of rain being experienced across different parts of the Tsavo ecosystem. A green coloration from the leafy trees masked the red soil as different animal species were seen enjoying the adequate supply of food and water. An increase in animal family numbers was also noted as the evening sky turned to molten brass

During the month, the TMVU treated a buffalo for a wire snare in Rukinga, rescued a baby elephant with a rope snare in Ndera Community Conservancy along Tana River, treated a male Impala for a wire snare and released a seized pangolin back to the wild. The veterinary team also performed an autopsy examination on a leopard and elephant carcass sighted in Zero Delta area, Iltilal and Taita Ranch amongst other cases.