The month of December has been a month of joyous celebration for our Voi Orphans, with the ex-Orphans lead by Emily choosing to spend plenty of time visiting the still dependent Voi Orphans
The month of December has been a month of joyous celebration for our Voi Orphans, with the ex-Orphans lead by Emily choosing to spend plenty of time visiting the still dependent Voi Orphans. Many mornings this month have seen the ex orphans congregate at the stockades eagerly waiting for the babies so as to accompany them while out in the bush. Emily has resorted to kidnapping the baby group, taking them away from the care of the Keepers and immersing them into a wild herd, but then thankfully later returning them back to their by now very concerned Keepers!

Laikipia has grown into a magnificent bull, still his gentle self with loads of patience, and of course all the younger bulls have a huge hero worship of him, so any opportunity to hang out with him is considered extremely special. The dependent orphans have been joined by a wild bull too this month who has even been persuaded by them to return back to the stockades in the evening.

Our little Panda has been unwell but thankfully the change of milk formula and a course of injectable antibiotics seems to have done the trick, and she is visibly now regaining her condition and strength. Through this difficult time she has remained close to the stockades with the Keepers as company, and she instinctively knows this is what needs to happen in order for her to heal. The ex Orphans, particularly Mweya, Thoma and Seraa have singled her out for very special treatment. She basks in their attention obviously remembering her lost family all too well, so to be surrounded by nurturing big elephants once more has helped her and she is healing both physically and psychologically.