Little Diria - named after the ranch where he was rescued - arrived into our care at the end of February, extremely fluffy and sporting brown and white stripes!
A herd of goats played their part in saving this baby zebra’s life. Herdsmen out with their goats on a ranch bordering Tsavo East were given a big fright when suddenly out of the bushes ran a zebra and her foal, chased by lions, all of which ran straight past them. Watching on rather dismayed, they witnessed the lions catch and kill the mother, at which point the baby zebra turned on its hooves and instinctively ran into the nearest herd for shelter – that of the goats. The herders, having sympathy for the infant’s plight, allowed him to walk with them and gave him some goats milk, before taking the foal to KWS rangers in the area. Without his mother, and in need of protection and milk, KWS brought the foal to our Voi Reintegration Unit, where they felt he’d have the best chance at life.

Little Diria - named after the ranch where he was rescued - arrived into our care at the end of February, fluffy and sporting brown and white stripes (Zebras are famous for their black and white striped appearance, however when they are born they are in brown and white). Since then we have provided Diria with the constant company (and milk feeds) he would have received from his mother, with our keepers even wearing a specially made coat when they are caring for him.
Zebra foals imprint on their mother’s striped pattern and the coat allows Diria to imprint as nature intended, without him becoming too attached to any one individual. A technique we have successfully employed over the years with other rescued zebras, who are now living wild.
Diria is incredibly affectionate with his carers and, perhaps with the exception of his milk, loves nothing more than nuzzling into them as they comfortingly groom him.