3rd March is World Wildlife Day

Let’s make the first UN World Wildlife Day more than just a calendar date

Let’s make the first UN World Wildlife Day more than just a calendar date. 

The United Nations General Assembly have announced Monday 3rd March 2014 as the first ever World Wildlife Day. Secretary General to CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) John E. Scanlon marks the event as an “opportunity for all of us – no matter who we are or where we are – to celebrate the beauty and variety of the millions of plants and animals that we share our planet with”. 

There is no doubt our wildlife is suffering from severe habitat loss and threats due to the illegal trade, but amidst the current crisis and the toll this is taking on economies, livelihoods and habitats across the globe, World Wildlife Day offers a chance for those around the world to step back and recognise just how precious our natural environment is. 

"We invite all member States, relevant organizations of the United Nations system as well as all other interested organizations and individuals - from airports to museums to schools - to get involved in this global celebration of wildlife", added Scanlon. 

At the DSWT we are urging supporters to join us on this celebratory day by sharing their most spectacular wildlife photographs with our online global community – let’s recognise and embrace the beauty of our natural world and use such imagery to motivate others to care, and act, to secure a future for wildlife. 

Everyone has their own favourite wildlife photograph, a beautiful tree lined sunset, a herd of elephants crossing the savannah, or a big cat lounging in the midday sun - we want to bring these to light.  We’ll choose our top 5 from all the photos submitted and on World Wildlife Day we will share these through our social media channels and encourage people to vote for their favourite. 

Share your #WorldWildlifeDay images via our Facebook and Twitter pages:

http://facebook.com/thedswt http://twitter.com/DSWT