April Report from the DSWT's Mara Mobile Veterinary Unit

The month of April was characterized by a drop in precipitation and reduced tourism activities within the greater Masai Mara ecosystem

The month of April was characterized by a drop in precipitation and reduced tourism activities within the greater Masai Mara ecosystem. Clinical cases handled were fewer compared to previous months, yet the unit still answered 8 reports including 2 elephant postmortems (one having been killed by a spear and the other with an unknown cause of death), 2 elephant treatments one for an arrow wound and one for a spear, the follow-up treatment of ‘Siena’ the lioness, as well as sampling of buffalos for trypanosomosis and collecting blood from an adult bull elephant.

A sad incident was also investigated involving carnivore poisoning, where many predator carcasses were found having been intentionally poisoned.