Nairobi Nursery Unit

February 2006

Daily updates

February 2006








February 1st

As usual, Zurura was feeding close to Kora today when Kora tried to reach a very high branch, lifting one foreleg. In doing so, he fell, and Zurura took the opportunity of trying to mount him.

Kora in the forest clearing

February 2nd

The arrival of a very weak little female elephant orphan from Ol Pejeta Ranch in Laikipia District excited all the other elephants. She was named “Sidai”, the word for “beautiful” in the Samburu language. Lualeni, with Makena by her side, was especially thrilled to welcome the newcomer, who was too weak to do anything other than simply stand. Lualeni entwined trunks with the newcomer, and Zurura also came up to greet and touch her gently.

Sidai out in the bush with the others

February 3rd

Loijuk, who is now gaining some strength, thrilled all the visitors at mudbath by walking very close to the rope, and touching them with her tiny trunk. The visitors were very touched in view of the fact that she had come in so recently.

Loijuk & Zurura muddy from a romp in the mudbath

February 4th

As the orphans were feeding out in the bush, suddenly they were alarmed by the sudden appearance of the orphaned rhino, Shida, from the bushes, closely followed by his Keepers, who took him away. The elephants all ran to their Keepers for protection, and after the mudbath were reluctant to return to the bush.

The nursery orphans relaxing in a clearing

February 5th

Challa shoved Sian while she was taking her milk. The Keepers reprimanded him by tone of voice, and he ran off, contrite

Challa being given some bark to eat at mudbath

February 6th

Yet again, there was a disagreement between Makena and Zurura over the feeding when the Keeper arrived with the 9 a.m. feed out in the bush. Zurura wanted to be under Makena’s blanket, which triggered the fight. In the end Zurura was led away in a different direction to his blanket, and peace returned.

Zurura does some acrobatics in the bush

February 7th

It was a sunny evening when another newcomer arrived, rescued from Amboseli. He was an 18 month old bull calf, and was still very strong and very wild. It was very touching to see Kora wrapping his trunk around the body of the new arrival in a gesture of comfort. The new calf, named Orok, was in the next door Stockade to Kora, who kept vigil, watching him, most of the night.

The new orphan Orok

February 8th

As the elephants were feeding out in the bush, just before coming to the noon mudbath, Loijuk tricked the other elephants by pretending to have seen something scarey. She ran to the Keepers, and all the others followed, but when the Keepers went to investigate, there was nothing. “Loijuk had turned out to be a wag!”

Loikuk standing in the shade from a tree

February 9th

Kora and Challa began a shoving contest out in the bush this morning, and when it became obvious that Challa would be the winner, little Zurura joined in on Kora’s side, but even together they could not defeat Challa, who is now becoming very strong.

Kora shoves Challa

February 10th

A low flying aircraft scared the orphans, forcing them to run to their Keepers. However, newcomers Sian and Loijuk ran in the opposite direction and hid in some thick bushes. The Keepers called them by name, and eventually they emerged, with outspread ears, looking very frightened.

Loijuk & Sian firm friends

February 11th

As the orphans were resting under shade in the afternoon, a family of warthogs arrived. Kora gave chase, closely followed by little Zurura. When Kora noticed that Zurura was close behind him, he stopped to allow Zurura to be the hero, but kept a close eye on events, in case Zurura got into trouble. Zurura was very happy.

Kora romps on Lualeni

February 12th

Immediately after the mudbath, all the elephants assembled at the door of Orok’s Stockade, as he was allowed out for the first time. Although still very wild and resenting humans, he was very happy to be amongst the other elephants, and out in the Park forest. He did not try and run away.

Nursery orphans out in the bush on a sunny day

February 13th

Kora’s friendship with little Zurura blossoms. They fed close together all afternoon, and play fighting, when Kora pushes his small friend very gently, allowing him to feel brave and good.

Kora sucking his trunk

February 14th

At the mudbath, all the Keepers were astonished when little Loijuk went into the mudbath exuberantly, splashing the water with her front legs, and then romping in the mud. We all felt confident that her health had improved greatly.

Little Loijuk putting on condition

February 15th

Sidai quietly led Orok away from where the other elephants were browsing today, leaving Lualeni with the rest. We tried to persuade Sidai and Orok to join with Lualeni’s group, but to no avail. They wanted to be apart.

Sidai standing aside from the others

February 16th

Zurura had a go at mounting little Makena, which she did not appreciate. She ran to Lualeni, who raised her ears, and charged Zurura. The Keepers intervened to protect him from Lualeni’s ire.

Zurura playing with the football at mudbath

February 17th

As the orphans were feeding quietly, they were suddenly scared by some warthogs, and ran towards the Keepers. Sidai, who is still very weak, fell and needed the Keepers’ help to get up again. Only Orok remained beside her whilst she was being helped up.

Challa leads the nursery group out to the bush

February 18th

Today, all the elephants found an anthill with loose soil, and began rolling against it. Makena climbed on Lualeni, which prompted Zurura to try and do the same. This made Makena very jealous, so she pushed him away.

Lualeni is climbed upon by Makena & Zurura

February 19th

The elephants loved their mudbath today, after which Makena began a game of football, kicking the ball with her front legs, and rushing around with her ears out. She was soon joined by Loijuk, and the visitors loved the entertainment, everyone trying to capture a photograph of the playful babies.

Makena having a wonderful time in the mud

February 20th

As the Keepers were eating their lunch, the warthog family arrived, hoping for some leftovers. Zurura began chasing them, and to everyone’s amazement, managed a squeaky trumpet for the very first time.

Zurura enjoying himself at mudbath

February 21st

Zurura wanted to feed close to Sidai today, taking some vegetation from her mouth, but Sidai’s best friend, Orok became jealous and displaced Zurura.

Bums at the mudbath

February 22nd

We encountered several buffaloes out in the Park forest today, who ran off, frightening the elephants. Surprisingly Sian and Loijuk were not as scared as the others, probably having met buffaloes in their original homeland before they became orphaned.

Little Sian

February 23rd

After the elephants had finished their mudbath, they all came close to the rope to eat the vegetation that the Keepers had brought in for them. Loijuk enjoyed the visitors touching her gently, but Sidai disapproved, and charged towards the visitors. The Keepers restrained her.

The orphans having fun at mudbath

February 24th

Being Friday, the elephants were rubbed in coconut oil, which is something the Keepers do every Friday. They all began rolling on the ground which prompted Zurura to climb onto his friend, Kora. Makena then tried to follow suit, but Zurura objected and pushed her away. She faced Zurura, prepared for battle, but Lualeni quickly intervened.

Mudbath time

February 25th

Sian stood next to Challa, who was busy pulling down a branch. Sensing that Sian wanted to take his branch from him, he began to push her away, but Kora intervened to shield Sian, taking on Challa instead.

Sian out in the bush with the other orphans

February 26th

Today saw another fight between Zurura and Makena. Zurura found himself a branch of vegetation, and Makena wanted it. A tough fight ensured between these two “blanket rivals” which was difficult for even the Keepers to stop. In the end, the branch was broken into two, and each given their share.

Makena being attended to by keeper Josephat

February 27th

Zurura again wanted to play fight with Kora, but Kora, knowing that he is only a baby, is very gentle with him, and not retaliating as he does with Challa. Meanwhile Lualeni is preoccupied trying to stop a disagreement between Zurura and Makena, favouring Makena.

Lualeni with Makena climbing on her at mudbath

February 28th

Early in the afternoon, just as we had settled down with the elephants, the skies turned very dark, and heavy rain ensued, accompanied by a sharp bolt of lightening which sent all the orphans scampering around, pushing each other, and very afraid. The Keepers had a difficult time to calm them. However, Lualeni displayed a rare trait, allowing both Makena and Zurura to remain close to her, whereas normally she pushes Zurura aside.

Makena & Zurura enjoy the mudbath

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