Rorogoi playing in the water
The stockade dependent orphans walked out of the stockades full of excitement and ready to begin the day. Tahri, Godoma and Emoli sprinted to the feeding area for their morning feed, arriving before Pika Pika and Sagala did.
Ngilai and Murit started a strength testing game in the stockade compound which lasted until Sagala and Emoli decided that it was time to head out for the day, with Suswa and Ndotto moving slowly and bringing up the rear.
The orphans settled to browse at the foot of Msinga Hill where they enjoyed munching on the green leafy acacia shrubs. Arruba wanted to go further uphill but none of the others were interested in following her so she remained with the group until it was time for the noon milk feed. The orphans then headed to the baobab tree waterhole for a drink of water and to wallow. Godoma, Mbegu and Arruba were the first in and were rolling around and it was not long before Tahri and Emoli came to join in on the fun. Murit enjoyed playing at the edge of the mud wallow. Godoma exited the water to join Sagala, Murit, Mbegu and Mudanda at the dust bath. Rorogoi dug her own dust hole a few meters from the main dust pile for a solo dust bath and was joined by Tahri. When the dust bathing was over the orphans resumed their browsing activities.
The orphans exited their stockades ready for the morning milk and supplement feeding. As soon as the feeding was over Sagala led the group out followed closely by Emoli. The orphans settled to browse on the rocky side of Msinga Hill where Godoma found some lush vegetation to feed on. Mbegu came and joined Godoma and the two spent some time browsing in one another’s company before rejoining the rest of the orphan herd.
The independent orphans, led by Kenia, came to join the stockade dependent group for the morning browsing session. Tahri enjoyed the chance to catch up with Kenia, Ndii and Ishaq-B, with the three older orphans digging a little mud hole in the bush for them to wallow in. Mbegu also came to join them and had fun rolling around, using her tusks to deepen the hole while Godoma and Lasayen took a break from browsing to engage in a sparring game.
The orphans visited the baobab tree water hole for their milk feed mud bath. Rorogoi struck a pose, placing her left foot on the water trough while she drank. Sagala, Murit, Emoli and Ngilai were engaged in strength testing games with Sagala taking on Murit while Emoli took on Ngilai.
The orphans left the stockade after their morning feed to head out for the days browsing activities. The Voi orphan herd settled to browse on the foot of Msinga Hill until noon when they followed the Keepers to the baobab tree water hole for the noon milk bottle. After the milk feed they had a drink before wallowing. Embu, Godoma and Arruba entered the mud bath later than the rest of the group and came out a few minutes later with the others so that they could resume their browsing activities.
In the evening the orphans returned to the safety of the stockades for the night. Godoma, Emoli and Sagala went straight to the water trough to quench their thirst before entering their stockade. A short while after the stockade dependent orphans had settled into their night quarters, the independent group, led by Kenia, arrived and had a drink. They remained in the compound until nightfall at which point they left, heading towards the northern side of Msinga Hill.
The orphans were busy playing around the stockade compound this morning following their milk and supplement feeding. Ndotto engaged Embu in a sparring game, and later Embu took on Mashariki, until it was time for the orphan herd to head to the Park for the day. On the way out, Ndotto stopped to engage Suswa in a strength testing game which resulted in the two being left behind as the others continued on their way to the mornings browsing area.
After the noon milk feed was over the orphans headed for a mud wallow. Mbegu, Godoma and Emoli led the herd into the water pool while Ndotto rolled around on the edge of the mud wallow. Suswa, Mashariki and Rorogoi were the last ones to enter the mud bath. After wallowing, Mbegu led everyone for a dust bath where she dug her own little dust pile. Murit enjoyed a scratching session against a tree.
The afternoon browsing session took place on the northern side of Msinga Hill where they remained browsing until late evening and they had to return to the safety of the stockades for the night.
Emoli and Godoma sprinted out of their stockades this morning as they were in a hurry to get their milk bottles. Tahri came running trumpeting loudly and made her way over to where Pika Pika was finished the dregs of her milk bottle. Mbegu’s ears were spread as she exited her stockade and made her way over to the youngsters to see how they were all doing. Ngilai tried to engage Murit in a strength testing game but Murit was not in the mood and instead joined Emoli and Lasayen who were making their way out for the day.
The orphans visited the baobab tree waterhole area for their afternoon milk feed after which they enjoyed a wallowing session. It was a warm day so they enjoyed cooling-off. Embu enjoyed playing alongside Mudanda and Pika Pika. When the mud bathing session was over the orphan herd resumed their browsing activities.
Upon returning to the stockade in the evening, the orphans settled in for their milk feed and were joined a few minutes later by Kenia’s independent orphan group who made a bee line for the water trough where they enjoyed a drink and hung around for a while before returning to the Park.
The orphans exited their stockades this morning and met up with Kenia’s independent group of orphans who had come to the stockade compound early this morning. Ndotto went to stand on top of a rock and was surrounded by Suswa, Mudanda and Kenia. He stood there for a few minutes before coming down to enjoy a dust bath. Godoma came over to climb over him while Suswa and Mashariki rested their trunks on Godoma’s back. When Ndotto got to his feet he decided to engage Rorogoi in a strength testing game while Suswa dug the ground with her tusks. Rorogoi came to join Suswa while Mashariki enjoyed a sparring game with Godoma.
When the orphans left the stockade for the Park they made their way to Msinga Hill where they settled to browse for a while before slowly walking to the baobab tree water hole, eating as they walked. Godoma stopped to enjoy a scratching session against a tree before catching up with the rest of the group, joining them just as they arrived at the milk feeding area. After the milk feed, the orphans headed to the mud wallow with Ndotto, Embu and Mbegu being the first to enter the water. Murit left the water to scratch against an acacia tree a few meters from the dust piles. The orphan herd all enjoyed a dust bath. Lasayen lay on Godoma rolling over her back while Pika Pika watched on.
After the morning milk and supplement feeding Sagala led the stockade dependent orphans out for the day. The group followed her to the peak of Msinga Hill where they spent the morning browsing. Mbegu, Rorogoi and Arruba separated from the rest to enjoy a private browsing session in an area of Mbegu’s choosing.
The orphans remained on top of Msinga Hill until the Keepers called them for their milk bottles, at which point they all rushed down wanting to be the first to get to the milk feeding area. After the milk feed they walked to the baobab tree water hole for a mud bath. Embu was the first to enter the water and enjoyed a private bathing session for a few minutes before Emoli came to join her as did Suswa and Godoma. The rest of the group were busy drinking from the water trough and did not enter the water.
Emoli took the lead of the stockade dependent group this morning and they followed him to the rocky side of Msinga Hill. Suswa, Ndotto and Ngilai remained at the back of the group browsing slowly as they walked, while also making sure to keep an eye on the rest of the orphan herd so that they wouldn’t get separated from them. Rorogoi and Godoma stopped browsing to dig up some loose soil that they could roll on for an impromptu dust bath. When they were done Suswa decided to enjoy a quick nap while Ngilai joined Pika Pika and tried to engage her in a sparring game. When he saw that Pika Pika was not interest in playing he walked away leaving her to enjoy her browsing session.
After the noon milk feed the orphans entered the water hole where they had a lovely time rolling around and splashing water all over the place. Embu, Murit, Godoma and Rorogoi led the group in their wallowing activities while Mbegu and Mashariki stood watching from the edge of the waterhole.
Kenia’s independent orphans arrived at the stockade compound early this morning, before the dependent orphans had exited their stockades for their morning milk feed. They joined the dependent orphans for the supplement feeding after which Ndoria led the others out to the Park to browse.
Kenia spent the better part of the morning browsing with the younger orphan herd as they munched on greens at the foot of Msinga Hill. They made their way to the baobab tree water hole at noon where they had their milk bottles before wallowing in the mud bath. Emoli, Lasayen and Ngilai led the herd into the mud wallow, where they all had fun rolling in the red mud. Tundani then headed to the dust mound where he was joined by Nelion, while Ndotto enjoyed a scratching session against a commifora tree next to the baobab tree water hole. Mbegu and Nelion later joined Ndotto for a scratch while the rest of the herd resumed their browsing activities.
After the morning feed, Ndotto took on Rorogoi for a sparring session before enjoying a scratch against a rock. Sagala led the orphans out to the Park for the day but just as they exited the stockade compound, Suswa decided to stop and browse through the electric fence. Ndotto then stopped behind Rorogoi who was walking in front of him and decided to climb in her back, before engaging Mbegu in a pushing game. He then took on Suswa, many years his senior, while the rest continued on with their journey out to the Park to begin their browsing activities.
At midday, the orphans walked down to the baobab tree area for their noon milk feed and mud bath and they had a drink from the water trough before entering the water to wallow. Godoma lay at the edge of the mud wallow where she was busy scratching her sides while Sagala, Suswa and Lasayen stood behind her watching what she was doing.
Independent orphans Tundani and Nelion arrived at the stockade once the dependents had finished their evening milk feed and settled in for the night. They hung around the stockade browsing, before walking back out to the Park at about 7:30pm.
Early in the morning Pika Pika, Emoli and Godoma came sprinting out of the stockades to the feeding area for their morning milk bottle. After the supplement feeding Sagala led the orphan herd to the rocky side of Msinga Hill where they settled to browse, quietly munching on the green leaves until midday.
The orphans made their way to the baobab water hole at noon where they had their milk feed. None of the orphans chose to enter the mud bath today as it was rather cold, so they resumed their browsing activities until it was time to return to the stockades for the night.
The stockade dependent orphans exited their night quarters ready to begin the day. Ndotto and Tahri enjoyed a scratching session against a rock next to the water trough sparring while they did so, while Sagala and Godoma browsed on green vegetation. Suswa was reaching for fresh browse through the fence line again, around the stockade’s mud wallow area.
Godoma was having fun along the terrace wall as she tried to climb over Mbegu who was scratching behind her ears against a tree. When the orphans left for the Park, Rorogoi stopped for an impromptu dust bath just a short distance from the stockade compound.
At midday the herd walked to the baobab tree area for their milk feed and immediately proceeded for a drink from the water trough where they splashed some water over themselves, instead of going for a swim. Emoli took the longest time at the water trough; when he was finally done quenching his thirst he rejoined the herd who had resumed with the days browsing activities.
The orphans left the stockade compound as soon as they had finished their morning milk bottles. They spent the morning browsing before making their way to the baobab tree waterhole where they were joined by Kenia and her group. The independent orphans arrived in time for a mud bath following a quick drink at the water trough.
Mbegu, Embu and Godoma led the herd in the wallowing session while Sagala stood at the edge spraying herself with water from the mud hole. Rorogoi came to join Sagala and enjoyed rolling around at the water’s edge. Ndotto enjoyed a scratching session against a tree next to the mud wallow while Nelion and Tundani engaged in a sparring game in the water which disrupted the rest of the orphans bathing activities. Sagala had a scratch against a tree while Ndotto climbed on Rorogoi who was now enjoying a dust bath.
It was a chilly morning with sporadic rain as the orphans exited their stockades for the milk and supplement food. They were greeted by the independent orphans led by Nelion and Ndoria, and together they all left for the Park once the stockade activities were over.
At midday the orphans headed to the baobab tree area for their noon feed before making their way to the waterhole for a drink of water. As it was fairly cold none of the orphans were up for wallowing and chose instead to return to their browsing activities until it was time to return to the safety of the stockades for the night.
Minutes after the stockade dependents had settled into their night quarters the independent orphans showed up and headed straight to the water trough to quench their thirst and cool off. They hung around the compound for a while before returning to the Park.
Tahri, Godoma and Emoli rushed out of the stockades to the feeding area for the morning feed. Mashariki, who keeps dodging Kenia’s group to spend time with the stockade dependent orphans, came down from Msinga Hill, where she had spent the night browsing, to join the orphans as they left the stockade compound and made their way to the rocky side of Msinga Hill for the morning browsing session. Pika Pika joined Arruba, Embu and Mashariki as they climbed to the peak of Msinga Hill while Mbegu kept her group at the base.
In the afternoon they all came down for the noon milk bottle after which they immediately resumed browsing until close to 5pm, when they returned home for the night.
Ndotto and Suswa exited their stockades, downed their milk bottles and quickly began a strength testing game. Rorogoi went for a drink from the water trough while Emoli engaged Ngilai in a pushing game, Ngilai soon gave in and Emoli took on Lasayen instead.
Suswa enjoyed scratching her hind against the rocks along Msinga Hill. The group walker and browsed at the same time, leaving Suswa, Pika Pika and Arruba behind as they were happy browsing where they were. Ngilai stopped browsing to engage Murit in a pushing game but Murit had no interest in playing so he turned his attention to Rorogoi and the two enjoyed playing for a while until Lasayen came to break up their fun.
The orphans came running down for their noon milk bottle after which they made their way to the mud wallow. Godoma walked straight into the water while the rest stopped for a drink at the water trough. Embu and Arruba soon joined Godoma and the three had fun rolling around in the water and it was not long before Mbegu and her friends joined them.
The orphans spent the morning browsing on the rocky side of Msinga Hill where Godoma and Lasayen busied themselves browsing under a huge rock. Ngilai, Tahri and Pika Pika followed them as they browsed along the hill. Ndotto stopped for a scratch against a tree before rejoining the rest of the group while Arruba came to where Ndotto had been scratching and lay down.
At the mud wallow area, Ndotto rested his tusks on the baobab tree before trying to dig his tusks into the tree. The rest of the orphan herd were having fun at the water trough as they drank and sprayed water around. Rorogoi and Godoma rest their feet on the water trough.
The orphans avoided the mud bath today choosing instead to enjoy a dust bath. Ndotto and Lasayen started playing a pushing game which ended almost as quickly as it began. Rorogoi enjoyed scratching against a tree while Mbegu tried to dig her tusks into the tree the same way Ndotto had done earlier. In the afternoon Ngilai and Murit stopped feeding to play a strength testing game while the rest of their friends continued browsing.
At six in the morning the orphans exited their stockades and assembled at the milk feeding area ready for their morning milk bottle. Mashariki then enjoyed an early morning dust bath rolling around on the dust hill as she sprayed herself with the red soil. Godoma finished her bottle and went to ride on Tundani’s back. Tundani had arrived back at the stockades this morning together with Mashariki. Once Godoma was done climbing on Tundani’s back she bent down to dig the ground with her tusks. Suswa was resting her trunk on Ndotto’s head when Tundani came in to engage Ndotto in a pushing game which saw Suswa walking away, leaving the two to their sparring game.
Following the afternoon feed the orphans made their way to the baobab tree mud hole for a mud bathing session. Pika Pika, Embu and Suswa were the first to enter the wallow, followed shortly by the rest of the group. Mashariki, Embu, Suswa and Ndotto remained in the mud wallow while the rest of the group headed to the dust bath. When the fun and games were over the orphan herd resumed their browsing activities.
After the morning milk and supplement feed, the herd left the stockade compound and headed for the Park under Sagala and Emoli’s leadership. Ndotto, Murit, Sagala and Tundani were busy feeding on green leafy acacia shrubs along the way to the browsing fields. Mashariki and Pika Pika spent some time browsing together along the foot of Msinga Hill a short distance away from the rest of the group who were making their way to the north side of Msinga Hill.
At midday the orphans went for their daily milk feed and mud bath. Lasayen dipped his trunk into the water pool to find out how cold the water was before he started splashing himself while standing at the edge of the mud wallow where Ndotto and Suswa joined him. Lasayen then engaged Ndotto in a pushing game inside the water.
After the mud wallow, Suswa enjoyed a scratching session against a tree while the rest of the orphan herd returned to their browsing activities. At 5pm the orphans returned to the stockades for the night, followed a few minutes later by independent orphans Mashariki and Tundani who came for a drink at the water trough before leaving for the southern side of Msinga Hill.
Mashariki and Tundani, two of the recently independent orphans, were at the stockade compound early this morning waiting for the dependent orphans to join them for the day out in the Park.
After the milk feed, Tundani engaged Mashariki, Ngilai, Pika Pika, Ndotto and Mbegu in a strength testing game. Sagala led the orphans out to the browsing fields, leaving Ndotto and Mbegu sparring in the stockade compound. On his way out Tundani stopped to play a pushing game with Arruba while the rest of their group began their browsing activities. At 9:30 Ndotto went for a scratching session and was joined by Godoma. The two were seen standing together under a tree as they sought shade from the hot sun.
After the noon milk feed the orphans returned to their browsing activities searching for fresh vegetation to feed on.
The orphans exited their stockades for the morning milk feed after which Sagala and Godoma enjoyed an early morning dust bath while Ngilai and Murit played a strength testing game. The rest of the orphans were busy browsing on vegetation around the stockade while Embu enjoyed a drink from the water trough.
Arruba took the lead of the orphan herd today and herded them to the foot of Msinga Hill where they settled to browse on acacia shrubs before making their way to the baobab tree water hole at noon.
After the afternoon feed, Mbegu led the herd up Msinga Hill to browse with Ndotto remaining at the base. Pika Pika climbed to the peak with Arruba and Mashariki where they remained until 4:30 when the rest started heading back to the safety of the stockades for the night.
Independent orphans Tundani and Nelion came to the stockades early this morning and joined the stockade dependents for the daily bush walks again. Tundani began a sparring game with his longtime friend Nelion while Mashariki enjoyed an early morning dust bath. Nelion tried to climb on Arruba who was not in the mood for playing any games and walked away.
Embu enjoyed a dust bath while Suswa and Ndotto were engaged in a strength testing game. On the way out to the bush, Mbegu stopped to enjoy a scratching session against a rock while Murit and Lasayen began a sparring game.
The morning was spent browsing on the rocky side of Msinga Hill. Sagala stopped browsing to enjoy a scratching session against a rock while Suswa and Rorogoi scratched against a tree with Mbegu and Murit browsing beside them.
In the afternoon, while the orphans were waiting for their noon milk feed, Murit engaged Lasayen in another sparring game. Once the feeding was over the orphans returned to their browsing activities.
The stockade dependent orphans were having a grand time playing around the compound after the morning feed. Ngilai enjoyed a pushing game with Murit until Lasayen came in to interrupt their game. Sagala and Emoli headed out for the day leaving the rest of the orphan herd at the stockade compound where Mashariki and Embu enjoyed a morning dust bath while Suswa fed on an acacia tree by the electric fence. Ndotto, Godoma and Mbegu enjoyed a scratch against the terrace wall.
Sagala and Emoli stopped on the roadside to wait for the orphan herd who were led out to the Park by Mudanda. The entire group then headed to the northern side of Msinga Hill where they spent the morning browsing before making their way to the baobab tree water hole where they had their milk bottles and a quick wallow.
The afternoon was spent browsing until the late evening when Murit led the herd back to the safety of the stockades for the night.
Independent orphans Mashariki, Tundani and Nelion made an appearance early this morning before the resident orphans had even exited their stockades. They went straight to the dust piles for a dust bath as they waited for their friends. Once the morning milk bottles were finished the dependent orphans joined their older friends. Most of them joined Tundani who was browsing around the stockade mud wallow while Sagala and Tahri joined Mashariki for a dust bath. Suswa leant against a rock next to the water trough while she enjoyed a drink. Ndotto engaged Rorogoi in a sparring game while Sagala took on Murit. Mashariki sat on the terrace wall scratching her hind before joining her friends who were gathering to head out for the day.
Suswa, Godoma and Emoli led the group to the foot of Msinga Hill where they all went into the thick grass and vegetation and enjoyed browsing on the flowery leaves. The orphans went for their afternoon milk feed at noon, and when they were done they carried on browsing without wallowing today.
The orphans had their morning milk bottle and then followed Sagala out for the day. Once at the browsing area Murit stopped for a scratching session before joining the rest who were already busy browsing. Mashariki headed uphill with Tundani, Arruba and Embu following her while Mbegu and her group remained browsing at the base where they found an open area to spend the morning before making their way to the milk feeding area for their afternoon bottle.
Mbegu teamed up with Emoli, Ndotto and Godoma for the milk feed. Once all the orphans had downed their share they headed to the mud wallow. Embu walked straight into the water where she was joined by Godoma and Rorogoi.
The afternoon browsing session took place on the western side of the baobab tree water hole. On the way back to the stockades the orphan herd stopped at the rocky side of Msinga Hill for a final browsing session, feeding on acacia shrubs, before making their way home.
Godoma led the herd to the southern side of Msinga Hill for the morning browsing session and found the independent orphans Mashariki, Tundani and Nelion waiting for them there. They all joined up and enjoyed browsing together on the rocky side of Msinga Hill.
After the 11am milk feed the orphans returned to their browsing activities and made their way deeper into the Park in search for fresh vegetation. Pika Pika kept close to Arruba as the orphans browsed and the Keepers kept a close eye on them on.
In the evening the independent orphans returned to the stockade compound with the dependent group and remained outside the stockades as their younger friends went in for the night. Tundani and Nelion enjoyed a sparring game outside.
This morning Ishaq-B was at the stockade compound with her independent friends waiting for the stockade dependent orphans to come out so that they could head out for the day together. Pika Pika come running up for milk but had to wait her turn as the Keepers were all busy feeding other orphans. The orphans hung around the compound playing sparring games with Ngilai holding Murit’s trunk as Ndotto played with Godoma, engaging her in a pushing game.
Mashariki led the orphan group out for the day with Suswa and Ndotto bringing up the rear and arriving last at the chosen browsing area. At noon the orphans visited the baobab tree water hole where they had their milk and a drink of water from the water trough. The orphans deemed it too cold for a mud bath and continued browsing instead, until it was time to return home for the night.
Tundani and Nelion were busy playing around the stockade compound as their friends left for the Park and the two had to rush to catch up and not be left behind. Once at the browsing spot Mashariki stopped to roll around on the ground while Godoma and Murit enjoyed a sparring game. Mashariki then engaged Ndotto in a pushing game and Suswa spent some quiet time browsing as the rest moved further afield. Emoli had a lovely time playing and dust bathing in an erosion gulley while Tundani enjoyed a scratch against a big rock and Sagala lay basking in the sun where she was joined by Godoma.
At the mid- day mud wallow Pika Pika was the first to enter the water with Ndotto and the two were joined a few minutes later by Lasayen and the rest of the group. The orphans enjoyed wallowing with Lasayen, Ndotto and Embu showcasing their swimming styles while Pika Pika watched. Once out of the water Arruba headed to the dust piles where she was joined by Pika Pika and the two rolled around covering themselves with red soil. Nelion and Mashariki came and joined them at which point Pika Pika scratched against Nelion’s right hind foot.
Early in the morning once the milk feed was over, independent orphans Mashariki and Ishaq-B visited the stockades where they had fun playing atop the terrace and rolling around near the edge of the terrace wall. Ndotto enjoyed a sparring game with Rorogoi until Mashariki intervened wanting to join the two. Rorogoi was not interested but Ndotto was happy to take on Mashariki.
Rorogoi enjoyed an early morning dust bath after which she lay on the dust piles and closed her eyes to relax for a spell. She opened them to find that the rest of the orphans had already left for the Park, leaving her behind, so she got up and ran after them trumpeting loudly.
After the noon milk feed the orphans walked down to the baobab tree water hole for a mud wallowing session. Embu walked straight into the water to splash herself and was joined by Ndotto and Pika Pika, who had a lovely time swimming in the muddy water. Rorogoi and Mbegu came to the edge of the wallow to splash some water over themselves and then Rorogoi lay down at the water’s edge.
Later in the afternoon Mbegu paired up with Godoma while Sagala paired up with Murit to enjoy the last part of the days browsing activities which took place on the eastern side of Msinga Hill.