Another month patrolling the greater Tsavo Conservation Area and of the 31 arrests made by the DSWT/KWS Anti-Poaching Units during April, the Mtito team made the most apprehensions including mostly offenders caught logging and charcoal burning inside Tsavo East National Park
Another month patrolling the greater Tsavo Conservation Area and of the 31 arrests made by the DSWT/KWS Anti-Poaching Units during April, the Mtito team made the most apprehensions including mostly offenders caught logging and charcoal burning inside Tsavo East National Park. The Burra team was also successful in arresting two bush-meat poachers caught with snares and meat in the Park. Other arrests included livestock herding, trespassing and the illegal harvesting of marijuana.

In total 238 snares were recovered and confiscated from poachers during the month. The Meru team lifted the most snares, which were found in Meru National Park, whilst the Burra and Ithumba teams were also effective in discovering and removing a large number of snares. The Burra team came across a number or large wire and cable snares set by poachers to trap elephants, giraffe buffalo and larger game.

Most illegal structures found and destroyed within the Parks and Protected Areas included charcoal kilns, whilst 5 shooting platforms constructed in trees overlooking watering holes were also taken down by the teams. Along with the illegal structures found, the teams uncovered tools and equipment used by offenders in makeshift camps including axes, saws, ropes and pangas, all used for logging and charcoal burning activities.

The Burra team supported the Tsavo Vet Unit in one elephant treatment during the month, which was a successful operation whilst the team was also active in 9 Human-Wildlife Conflict cases, involving elephants getting caught in community lands and coming into conflict with the local human population. Likewise, the Kenze team was also supporting these activities in partnership with the DSWT fixed-wing aircrafts and helicopter, which are well-suited to drive elephants out of problem areas and back into the Parks with support from all ground teams.
You can read about all these activities and more in our monthly report: