Isaac Maina. - Team leader
Mutua Koti -Tracker
Jacob Dadi.-Tracker
Sammy Odero.-Tracker
Phillip Kipkorir -Tracker
David Wamae –Ranger
Hassan Shambaro –Ranger
On the first day we visited Ndara and collected a total of 90 snares. The follow-up yielded another 40 snares making the total area collection to 130. Out of these 7 snares targeted medium sized animals while the rest were targeting Dikdiks.
Mwenda Mbogo area, which neighbours Mgeno group ranch, yielded 38 snares. All of them targeted Dikdiks and were laid out over a wide area which made it difficult to locate them. Several Kilns of burning charcoal were also encountered.
Once again Sagalla ranch had a large number of snares, this area has always been a problem.. A total of 126 snares were recovered, all of which with the exception of four targeted Dikdiks. The snares were laid in a barricade made from acacia cuttings while others were scattered in the bushes along animal tracks.
The next patrol was carried in Kajire ranch. Altogether 203 snares were recovered consisting of six birds’ snares, eight medium sized snares while the rest targeted Dikdiks. Kilns of burning charcoal were encountered in this area as well.
Eighty-six snares were recovered form Ndii area, of which 22 came from inside the park but all seemed to be a week or so old indicating that they were remains of the previous month’s patrol which were not detected. Three of these were medium sized. Forty-three snares were recovered from the outer side between the park fence line and the railways line and another 21 snares were retrieved around Manga hill. All the snares in this area were made from the wire found in tires.
Mariwenyi area yielded 19 snares; 3 of which targeted medium sized animals.
The month patrol ended at Irima. No snares were found inside the park though we gathered information that a large amount of hunting at night takes place in the area. The stretch between the fence line and the railway line is where most of the snares were collected. All in all 257 snares were recovered, six Dikdiks were rescued from the snares in a single day five of them in a span of ten minutes! Fresh footprints were found and we must have missed capturing them within minutes.

One of the poachers was seen carrying a sack which had 3-snared Dikdiks inside. At least three of snares removed that morning indicated presence of a catch through skin hair and ground disturbance.
The month total snares collected were 889
; 25 snares were medium sized, 6 were bird’s type while the rest targeted Dikdiks. Six Dikdiks which had been caught in snares were rescued and another 3 were believed to have been caught by the poacher.
The Burra team would like to thank Malcolm Savage of The Kerrigan Savage Waves Charitable Trust for their generous donation of a wall projector. This will necessitate the team to carry out education through a mobile cinema to the community and schools in the area.
Compiled by Isaac Maina.