Faru Team Burra Update: 01 May 2006
Mathew Kiura – team leader Boro Gitau John Malonza Samuel Odero Samuel Msaku 2 KWS Rangers
Area of operation:
During the month of May, the Burra team concentrated its activities in the community/private ranches in addition to parts of the park. Our de-snaring activities included patrols, ambushes, arresting of poachers and the lifting of snares. The areas covered were Kasigau ranch, Maungu ranch, Rukinga ranch, Sagala ranch, Bachuma grazing zones, Taita Village, Ngutuni ranch an the areas in and around Ndii/Manyani.
A total of 75 snares were retrieved 7 targeted large game such as buffalo, 38 targeted medium sized game such as gazelles and 30 targeted small game particularly Dikdik. We were able to arrest one person and recover several kilograms of bush meat that was being dried and seasoned at Taita village.

Observable evidence. During the months operations we came across several things with the main one being the continuous destruction of vegetation. We witnessed this destruction, which is a result of ongoing charcoal burning, in all of the ranches that we visited except for Rukinga ranch. This destruction of vegetation affects the wildlife in the area which depends on it for its survival. The destruction of vegetation will lead to the slow loss of our wildlife. This is already evident as the number of wild animals in the ranches has decreased.
While patrolling at Taita village / the Bachuma grazing fields we recovered several kilos of bushmeat providing evidence that poaching is still taking place in the area.

In the ranches poaching is very well concealed and difficult to detect due to the number of people that freely move about in the ranches. It is hard to distinguish the herders and charcoal burners from the poachers.
Community Due to the massive destruction of vegetation taking place in the ranches the Burra de-snaring team distributed 300 seedlings of different tree species to various schools in the area,

British Army Training At the beginning of the month the de-snaring teams underwent a third training session with the British Army.

Report by Mathew Kiura