July was a busy month for the SWT/KWS Anti-Poaching Teams. In total, the teams covered 24,248 kilometres on patrol, making 47 arrests and collecting 1,325 snares. They also confiscated 67 kilograms of ivory.
During the month of July the KWS/SWT De-Snaring Units lifted 1325 snares and made 47arrests including 1 elephant poacher, 8 bushmeat poachers, 23 livestock herders, 6 firewood collectors, 1 charcoal burner, 3 loggers, 3 miraa harvesters and 2 intruders. The teams recovered and confiscated 10kg of bushmeat along with poaching equipment from bows and poisoned arrows to lamping torches and catapults.
During the month, the teams destroyed 13 livestock bomas, 25 charcoal kilns and 6 charcoal camps, and 26 poachers hides/camps. 4 elephant carcasses were also discovered and 67kg of ivory was confiscated and handed over to KWS for safekeeping. The teams also supported the SWT/KWS Vet Units responding to 4 veterinary treatments involving 2 injured elephants, 1 buffalo and 1 zebra.