Ndovu Team Ithumba Update: 01 June 2006
Patrick Mutuku Felix Micheni Peter Ndunugu Muteti Feisal Samuel Lolchuraki James Lodungkiyok Lemanten Lambarakwe Julius Mumo Mutua Koti Boru Okicha 4 KWS Rangers
Areas Covered
During the course of this month the Gazi and Ithumba team worked together due to the Gazi team’s vehicles being sent to Nairobi for service as it had a problem with the starter motor. The areas patrolled included Mathae, Kyamanyenze, Tundani, Lagga Kungu, the general area around Gazi, Kona ya Nyati, Cotters upstream, and the Moody Awori Farm and its surroundings.

The past month has been a very busy one with both the keepers and de-snaring teams were putting the final touches on the elephant stockades being constructed at Ithumba. The first week of the month was spent removing the debris left behind by the builders.
During the 2nd week we started our de-snaring operations. We began our patrols at Mathea which is near the park fence line. We were able to lift 26 snares that targeted small game and saw foot prints that lead out of the park. An old and disused poacher’s hideout was discovered by the team in the Mathea area.

During the last week of the month we moved to Cotters upstream where there was a lot of snaring taking place.

Community awareness On the 15th of the month we met with the warden of the northern area and the Mukua Nima community to make arrangements about the clearing of the cut line where the Tiva–Athi fence extension in supposed to cross. We met some of the fence committee members who displayed an eagerness and willingness to support the project. The community has divided into 4 groups; two for the Mukua Nima sub location and two for the Ngati sub location. 2 KWS rangers will be overseeing the 45 casuals who will be participating in the project.
We were able to show wildlife films to both the Kivuti and Tsavo Primary Schools. During the show the pupils were educated about the benefits of sustainable utilization of their resources as well as the need to conserve wildlife and the environment. The Ithumba Kasaala Road up to Ngwate, which is in dire need of repair, is being graded during the course of the following month. This will be a great help to us as the road was causing damage to both the trusts vehicles and those of the KWS.
Report by Patrick Mutuku and Felix Micheni