Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 March 2006
Wambua Kikwatha - team leader John Mungai Henry Lokochari Boru Okicha Nasarwa Esmgere Gerald Maghangha 2 KWS rangers
Area Covered
During the course of the month we carried out patrols at Lualenyi, Maktau, Taita Hills, Lumo and the Park boundary at Kishushe.

All the Sheldrick de-snaring teams once again underwent a rigorous training session that took place over a period of 5 days.

Taita Hills and Lualenyi Sanctuary The Taita Hills Sanctuary has been a major concern to us due to the amount of snaring that has been noticed here in previous months where many snares have been lifted and a number of animals either rescued of found snared. The good news is that after a series of patrols in the area the amount of snaring has decreased drastically with only one animal, a buffalo being found snared in comparison to 15 large animals that were found snared in January.

Mkuki Ranch After carrying out patrols at Lulenyi and Taita Hills we moved our operations to Mkuki ranch for one night’s observation. We stayed at the observation point for the whole night and observed that there was a lot of night poaching taking place with the use of torches and pangas. An ambush was carried out in the morning but unfortunately the poachers took a route that was not covered.
Maktau Snaring in the Maktau area has decreased dramatically this month with only two old snares being found and lifted. Sadly however our sources have informed us that night poaching is on the increase.
Kishushe Park Boundary Following information that people from the Mghange area were night poaching at the Kishushe Park Boundary we carried out two night ambushes which unfortunately were not successful. We were also able to identify two possible routes that could be used by poachers to avoid our ambushes and evade arrest.
Report by Wambua Kikwatha