Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 September 2004
De-snaring report for September 2004
Patrick Mutuku – Team Leader Josphat Ajot Henry Lekochere Stephen Musyoka KWS rangers
Area Covered
The areas patrolled were Ziwani, Salaita, Jipe, Lumo and Kishushe wildlife sanctuary, Tsavo river/ Tsavo pipe line.
In total the teams collected 346 snares, 200 of which were designed for larger animals.

This month we found that the general Ziwani area had little evidence of poaching activities and so is a positive reflection of our efforts in the area. We tended to keep close to waterholes this month, as the area is extremely dry and wildlife normally stick to areas with water. The Maasai are now taking their cattle deep into the park to graze which is a problem as the cattle are now competing for food and water. Added to that there is now massive over grazing and wildlife is now being forced to move to the Tanzanian side to drink and eat what ever is left. Once on this side of the park there is very little that we can do, as there are a number of armed Tanzanian poachers who have moved into that area hunting for ivory and also for meat. Water levels in the area are now going down and lake Jipe is no exception. Sadly the problem with Lake Jipe is that the river which feeds into it seems to be being damned up by people who are using the water for irrigation. With the lake drying up we have had to pull a few animals out of the mud, as they move further into the lake in order to get water and this month we rescued a baby buffalo who had been stuck in the mud for a while, and re united it with its herd.

Next month we will visit the same areas again, but also this time Ziwani and Jipe will be where we will spend most of the time.

Report by Patrick Mutuku