Alamaya's latest photos

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Alamaya and Quanza trunk hugs

Alamaya dusting

Alamaya scratching his belly on a post

Alamaya and friends

Alamaya walking to the Chyulus

Alamaya arriving from the Chyulus

Alamaya standing up on a rock

Ngasha with Zongoloni and Alamaya in the morning

Alamaya scratching against a tree

Alamaya resting his eyes at the dust bath

Alamaya arriving from Kenze

Alamaya scratching his bottom

Jasiri watching Alamaya at the dust bath

Alamaya getting ready to cross the stream

Alamaya in the Chyulu Hills

Alamaya scratching against a post

Alamaya enjoying the lush grass

Alamaya and Mwashoti pushing games

Alamaya arrives

Alamaya dusting

Alamaya scratching his feet

Alamaya rubbing his bottom in the mud

Alamaya and Quanza cooling off in the shade

Quanza and Alamaya greet each other

Quanza and Alamaya

Alamaya scratching his cheek

Alamaya finds fresh grass

Alamaya showing Quanza where to browse

Alamaya browsing with Shukuru

Alamaya and Shukuru greeting each other

Independent Alamaya

Alamaya on the right with Jasiri

Alamaya after mud-bath

Alamaya in the waterhole

Alamaya wading into the waterhole

Naughty Faraja climbing on Alamaya

Alamaya Sonje and Quanza browsing

Alamaya at the water trough

Alamaya resting on the dust pile

Alamaya splashing mud on himself

Alamaya scratching

Alamaya digging for minerals

Alamaya showing off his big size

Alamaya and Murera friendly pushing games

Alamaya's wild bull friend

Alamaya catching wild scents

Alamaya listening to the baboons

Alamaya with a trunk full of greens

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