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Nyambeni and Kerrio

Water baby Kerrio

Kerrio joining the game

Kerrio and Tingai swimming

Muridjo and Kerrio

Nyambeni playing with Kerrio

Kerrio sitting in the forest

Mzinga lying down as Kerrio and Nyambeni play

Kindani and Kerrio


Mzinga, Choka, Kerrio and Nyambeni

Kerrio with Nyambeni

Kerrio, Muridjo, Mzinga and Shujaa

Kerrio chasing warthogs



Kerrio and Mzinga

Kerrio clambering

Mzinga, Mageno and Kerrio

Kinyei, Kindani and Kerrio


Kerrio enjoying a paddle

Kerrio enjoying a mud bath

Kerrio, Suguroi, Naleku and Kitich browsing

Ahmed, Esoit, Kerrio and Mageno

Olorien and Kerrio dust bathing

Kerrio having fun

Kerrio, Suguroi and Neshashi


Naleku and Kerrio

Nyambeni, Naleku and Kerrio

Kerrio and Suguroi


Naleku and Kerrio cuddling Nyambeni

Olorien, and Naleku watching over Kerrio

Mageno and Kerrio

Kerrio and Naleku at the mud bath

Naleku and Olorien watching over Kerrio

Naleku and Kerrio in the forest

Kerrio, Olorien and Mukutan playing

Kerrio now with Naleku and Kindani

Kerrio, Naleku, Olorien and Mzinga

Naughty Kerrio browsing

Kerrio the little favourite

Naleku checking on Kerrio

Naleku, Kerrio and Olorien in the Park

Naleku and Kerrio enjoying a dust bath

Playful Naleku with little Kerrio

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