Dabida front and Losoito
Losoito left and Seri
Losoito browsing
Lemeki checking on Losoito
Losoito lying down in between Lemeki and Thamana
Ngilai, Ndotto and Losoito browsing on the hill
Losoito and Mbegu browsing
Losoito dusting
Losoito playing
Losoito scratching
Losoito dust bathing
Lemeki being affectionate with Losoito
Lemeki and Losoito dust bathing
Losoito browsing
Kilulu left and Losoito at the stockade terrace
Ndotto and Losoito browsing
Losoito on the hill
Lemeki and Losoito
Losoito dust bathing
Losoito, Kenderi and Godoma
Losoito at the water trough with Lemeki
Losoito browsing
Losoito and Lemeki having a drink
Losoito on Msinga Hill
Losoito and Itinyi sparring
Losoito sparring with Thamana
Losoito dust bathing
Lemeki and Losoito
Losoito scratching
Lemeki and Losoito
Losoito having a milk bottle
Losoito left and Lemeki
Losoito and Godoma sniffing Laikipia
Losoito browsing
Losoito browsing
Losoito browsing
Losoito with a full mouth
Losoito with a mouthful of greens
Murit and Losoito at the water trough
Losoito browsing
Losoito striking a pose