Mulika's Story

A female calf born approx March 2000; aged between 7 - 8 months on arrival. She was seen wandering alone by guests of Elsa's Kopje Lodge in Meru National Park who alerted K.W.S., after which this calf was captured, sedated and flown to our Nursery in Nairobi. Upon regaining consciousness, Mulika was extremely traumatized and very wild but soon calmed down with input from the other Nursery inmates. However, bent on escape, she was kept enclosed for a few days, until she was comfortable within the Nursery group, but it took many weeks for her to recover from the grief of losing her loved ones. The name "Mulika" comes from a place within the Park near where she was found.Mulika had a loving and gentle little character at the Nursery, not overly fond of humans, but always very fond of "Nasalot" who slept in the next door to her at night. We are so delighted that now, as adults, these two friends still roam together in the same ex-orphan herd led by Yatta near Ithumba, both with their own first wild born calves, Mwende and Nusu.

Mulika's Story

Adopt Mulika for yourself or as a gift.

Adopt Mulika for yourself or as a gift.

Current Age

24 years old



Rescued date

15 December 2000

Rescue Location

Meru Region, Meru National Park

Date of Birth (approximate)

1 March 2000

Reason Orphaned


Age at Rescue

9 months old (approx)

Current Location

Living Wild

Mulika's featured photos

Our digital adoption programme includes the following:

Personalised adoption certificate.

Monthly email update on your orphan and the project.

Monthly watercolour by Angela Sheldrick.

Access to special content; latest Keepers' Diaries, videos and photos

Give Mulika the gift of life by adopting today.

Mulika's Calves

Meet Mulika's wild born offspring.



The first time we met Mwende, she was just hours old when she turned up with her mother, Mulika, an orphan living back in the wild, and nannies Chyulu and Lenana. She's a very precocious little calf who loves to play. Read more

In October 2023, Mwende gave birth to a little girl named Mala. This was fully-circle moment, as Mwende was the first wild baby born to our Ithumba herd. Now, she is a mother! Read more about her daughter here.



A little boy, Mkuu is Mulika's second calf, her first being Mwende who was born in 2011. Mkuu is the Swahili word meaning 'Chief'. We first met Mkuu on the last day of February, when his mother brought him to meet the Ithumba dependent herd and Mulika's former carers, seemingly wishing for them all to share in the celebration of her new arrival.

Latest updates featuring Mulika

Our Second Ithumba Great-Grandbaby, Mala

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Bondeni, Kindani, and Kinyei Graduate

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Naleku, Suguroi, and Sagateisa Graduate to Ithumba

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Mulika's latest photos


Mulika's family

Mulika's family enjoying Lucerne

Mulika with baby Mkuu

Mulika Mwende and Mkuu cooling off in the shade

Yebo and little Mulika

Mulika with Mwende and Mkuu

Mulika & Yatta's families having a drink