Mweya leaves the bath after splashing herself
Mweya playing
Mweya comes to the water
Mweya feeding
Mweya standing on her own
Mweya picks up a stick to scratch her belly
Mweya in the water at mudbath
Mweya scratching against a fallen tree
Good friends Mweiga and Mweya
Mweya scratching while the orphans have a drink
Laikipia pushes Salama off of Mweya
Mweya rubbing against a buried tree branch
Mweya and Aitong
Mweya helps to push Mweiga up the hill
Mweya chooses to remain close to Mweiga
Mweya's group feeding
Icholta, Lolokwe, Mweya
Morani and Mweya
Mweya chases a waterbuck