Ngasha's latest photos

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Ngasha enjoying the greens

Ngasha hiding his face with his trunk

Jasiri walking to Ngasha and Limalima

Ngasha enjoying mudbtha

Ngasha down playing with Ziwa

Ngasha infront of Sonje

Ngasha taking care of Ziwa

Ngasha enforced a pushing game with Lima Lima

Ngasha heading out to browse

Ngasha kicking at the grass

Ngasha and Lima Lima competing for greens

Ngasha climbing on Lima Lima

Ngasha looking for browse in a dry area

Ngasha after playing with Jasiri and Lima Lima

Ngasha heading out to browse

Ngasha mounting Lima Lima after losing match

The orphans following Ngasha

Ngasha with Sonje

Ngasha finally found some good browse

Ngasha scratching his ear with his trunk

Ngasha leading Ziwa and Balguda home

Ngasha running

Ngasha in the bushes browsing

Ngasha wanting to suck a keepers fingers

Ngasha getting up after the stories are told

Ngasha enjoying the Lucerne

Ngasha looking for the wild elephants

Lima Lima on the left and Ngasha on the right

Ngasha leading

Jasiri standing between Ngasha and Faraja

Ngasha on the left and Jasiri scratching

Ngasha browsing

Ngasha standing while Jasiri tries to mount Sonje

Ngasha standing and Faraja lying down

Ngasha scratching to remove ticks

Ngasha leading the orphans out in the field

Ngasha struggles to break a branch

Ngasha feeding on lucerne

Jasiri found the Ngasha and Faraja browsing

Faraja and Ngasha drinking in the morning

Ngasha using his feet to dig up the grass

Ngasha waiting for the keepers to lead the way

Jasiri mounting Ngasha

Ngasha following Faraga and Jasiri

Ngasha walking away from the water hole

Ngasha alone in the long grass

Barsilinga and Ngasha protected Sokotei

The truck carrying Faraja, Jasiri and Ngasha

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