Ziwadi and Olorien browsing together
Olorien playing hide and seek
Olorien with her Keeper
Ziwadi and Olorien browsing in the Park
Maktao, Olorien and Maisha in the forest
Olorien and Ziwadi smelling each other
Olorien stealing more milk from the wheelbarrow
Olorien out in the forest
Kiasa, Nabulu, and Maisha with Olorien
Olorien browsing with Naboishu
Naboishu, Olorien and Kiombo
Olorien browsing
Olorien trying to steal some of the spilt milk
Olorien and Naleku fully enjoying their milk
Olorien looking for more milk from her Keeper
Olorien and Ziwadi having a trunk hug
Olorien trying to steal Naleku's bottle
Olorien with Ziwadi
Olorien and Ziwadi browsing together
Maisha and Larro with her trunk on Olorien
Nabulu browsing near Olorien
Olorien smelling her surroundings
Ziwadi seeing what green Olorien is chewing
Olorien browsing near Maisha
Olorien scratching her eye
Mukkoka dust bathing with Olorien to his right
Nabulu watching over Olorien as she naps
Olorien and Ziwadi on their own adventure
Olorien having her dust bath
Ziwadi and Olorien off on an adventure
Olorien and Ziwadi standing by
Larro and Olorien dust bathing
Ziwadi, Olorien and Larro browsing together
Ziwadi, Olorien and Larro browsing
Olorien checking out the Keepers
Larro checking on Olorien
Naleku and Mukkoka looking after Olorien
Olorien napping underneath Nabulu
Maktao and Olorien enjoying a drink in the forest
New rescue Olorien
Olorien being smothered by the orphans
Naleku checking on Olorien