Namalok and Karisa entwining trunks
Malima was the first one to leave the stockades soon after finishing her milk bottles. Karisa and Namalok exchanged morning greetings by entwining trunks before disappearing off into the bush. Shortly after leaving the stockade compound, the dependent-orphans were joined by the usual gang of five, Orwa, Bomani, Kainuk, Chemi Chemi and the wild junior that can easily be mistaken for a former orphan by his size and behaviour. The gang of five spends their night just sleeping close to the stockade compound fence at the back.
Out in the bush, Namalok had brief strength testing exercise with Sapalan that ended in a draw, while Tusuja played with Wanjala. At mud bath time, Tusuja played with Mundusi while Namalok played with Wanjala. Later, Olsekki engaged Bomani in a pushing game that saw Olsekki emerge as the winner. The afternoon was quiet as the orphans concentrated on browsing. In evening, Barsilinga lagged behind and reported back at around six o'clock in the evening.
It was a quiet morning as the orphans headed straight out to browse. Bomani and Chemi Chemi joined up with the orphans in style, as the two bulls arrived while pushing each other. The ex-orphans then settled to browse together with the dependent-orphans.
Later, Bomani attempted to mount climb on Olsekki in a show of how he was dominant over him. When Bomani came down however, he ran into trouble with Olsekki, who immediately turned and questioned Bomani as to why he thought he could do that. Olsekki reacted by engaging Bomani in a pushing game that ended when Orwa passed by and separated the two boys.
After wallowing in the mud bath later on, a troop of chattering baboons passed by and this scared some of the orphans which prompted them to run towards their Keepers, and the Keepers managed to calm them down. Shortly later, the orphans were joined by Challa who was accompanied by a wild friend. After a short interaction, Challa and his friend walked off again. In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill and later in the evening, Mapia led the way back to the stockades.
Soon after taking her milk, Malima crossed and walked over to Rapa to entwine their trunks and greet each other. Soon after leaving the stockade, Rapa then settled for a scratch while Barsilinga had a game of rolling on the ground. Tusuja engaged Galla in a pushing game as Ndiwa settled to scratch her ear against an acacia tree.
Orwa and his team joined the junior orphans at around ten o'clock in the morning and later escorted them for a mud bath. The temperature was moderate and the orphans enjoyed a cooling-off session in the water. The rest of the afternoon was mostly quiet. The orphans browsed calmly along the western slopes of Ithumba Hill until five o'clock in the evening when Orwa and his team as usual escorted the orphans back to the stockades.
As they left the stockade in the morning, Jotto and Rapa exchanged morning greetings by entwining their trunks. Karisa and Namalok had a pushing game that didn't last for long as Karisa opted to quit the game and got busy browsing instead. Jotto came across a tree stump that he used to get rid of an itch around his ear.
Shortly after eight o'clock, Zurura, the lone wanderer, briefly joined the dependent-orphans before disappearing off into the thick bush again. Orwa’s team joined the junior orphans later and headed to the mud bath with them. Mundusi went for soil dusting first before catching up with the others to swim. Later, the orphans returned back to the bush to browse and later in the evening they were escorted back to the stockades for the night by Orwa’s herd, as usual.
The wild junior, who appears to be enjoying the company of the orphans, reported early at the stockade compound on his own. When the orphans were let out, he was happy to have their company. Namalok exchanged morning greetings with Karisa while the wild junior had a game of rolling on ground. Tusuja was attracted by his game and so came to roll on him. Kauro, Kuishi and Jotto settled on scratching and shortly later, Orwa and the rest of his herd reported and joined the orphans too. Bomani played with Olsekki while Tusuja engaged the wild junior in a pushing game that he lost a few minutes later.
Just before noon at mud bath time, the sun was really hot and so all the orphans participated in wallowing after having their milk bottles, and later they went to roll around in the big piles of soil for a dust bath to dry off too. Barsilinga didn't attend the mud bath as he refused to join his friends, and he was left behind browsing.
In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse in between Imenti and Ithumba Hill. Later in the evening the orphans walked back to the stockades for the night as usual, and Barsilinga, who likes to do his own thing these days, walked back on his own around 7pm, and was allowed in to join his friends in the stockade compound for the night.
Rapa and Tusuja engaged in a pushing game soon after leaving their stockade this morning. Their game came to an abrupt end when Kauro decided to walk through their midst, thus separating them. Tusuja was left with no option other than finding something else to do, and he decided to have a game of rolling on the ground. He soon felt quite tired and almost closed his eyes for a nap, but Olsekki emerged from nowhere and decided to push Tusuja to wake him up.
Out in the bush, not only Orwa, Bomani and the wild junior joined the dependent-orphans but ex-orphans Kibo, Sities, Suguta, Kainuk, Rapsu and Zurura also joined the orphans today! We were so delighted to see them, some we had not seen for some time. Kainuk was very happy indeed to see Mutara and her other friends, but was also troubled since their matriarch Mutara was in season and many wild bulls were chasing after her. Kanjoro, who belongs to that herd as well, was not present, meaning that he might have teamed up with another group which we are yet to know. A few minutes later, Rapsu and Zurura left to join the queue of bulls that were following Mutara.
At mud bath time, all the orphans decided to wallow in the water hole, with the exception of Ndiwa, Malkia, Jotto, Ambo and Enkikwe, who decided that the temperature was not quite right for them to have a mud bath. The ex-orphans led the orphans back out to browse after their swim, and they browsed peacefully and quietly until the end of the day. Jotto and Ambo were being mischievous and dodged the Keepers, and were located nearly half an hour after the rest of the group had arrived back at the stockades.
Ambo led the way out soon after the morning milk feed. Karisa left with a leftover branch which he continued to enjoy on the way to the browsing field. Namalok saw Karisa and wanted to take away his branch. Karisa resisted and this resulted in a pushing game, but in the end Karisa knew Namalok was too strong for him and he ran away. Kauro and Sana Sana had a brief game of rolling on the ground before they went back to browsing.
Ex-orphan Rapsu made a brief visit with the orphans and then walked off into the bush. Later, Kibo, Orwa, Kainuk, Bomani, Chemi Chemi, Sities, Suguta and the wild junior joined the orphans. On the way to the mud bath, Mutara while heavily guarded by six wild bulls, briefly joined the dependent orphans. Mutara appeared calm and didn't show any signs of being stressed despite the fact that she had so many bulls following her.
At mud bath time, Roi caused drama again when she quickly turned and attempted to steal a bottle of milk after she had finished own. A quick intervention by the Keepers, who had their eye on her, saved the situation as Roi left complaining about her unaccomplished mission. Chemi Chemi briefly played with Olsekki before going back to browsing. The sun was shining but there was a cold breeze that prompted the orphans not to go into the water hole this afternoon. Only one wild bull was bold enough to test the waters and wade in to enjoy swimming, as the orphan herd watched on. In the afternoon, the orphans were joined by Zurura who browsed with them until evening when he escorted them back to the stockade.
Malima was the first one to leave the stockades this morning, followed by Ambo. Mapia left the stockade with a piece of stick in his mouth as Namalok headed straight to the water trough to drink some water.
Out in the bush, Mapia and Kuishi briefly settled for a soil dusting exercise. Shortly later, the orphans were joined by Kibo, Suguta, Kainuk, Orwa, Bomani and the wild junior. Sities was missing, and hopefully she had gone to give Mutara some company and comfort as she continues to have close to ten bulls following her around.
Challa joined the dependent orphans briefly at mud bath. Though the sun was shining, the orphans refused to go into the water to swim, and instead opted for a brief soil dusting exercise. In the evening Bomani and Olsekki had a pushing game that ended soon when Bomani attempted to climb on Olsekki.
Straight after leaving her stockade, Malima settled for scratching on the concrete bench just outside. Sapalan engaged Karisa in light pushing game, but his mind was set on snatching a branch in Karisa's mouth. Once Karisa realized Sapalan's mission, he just turned and left without a word, leaving Sapalan wondering what happened. Tusuja, who woke up feeling energetic this morning, picked on Wanjala for a fight and when Wanjala surrendered, Tusuja started charging and running all over the bush, trumpeting and knocking down small bushes.
Enkikwe met with Malkia and had a brief conversation but Malkia walked away when Enkikwe tried to get some food from her mouth.
Orwa and his herd joined the juniors later in the bush, and walked with them to the Kalovoto mud bath, before settling to feed along the eastern slopes of the Ithumba Hill in the afternoon. Bomani got into trouble with Olsekki when he tried to climb on Tusuja. Olsekki quickly reacted by moving forward to bring Bomani down. Bomani was upset by Olsekki's intervention and so turned the heat on him. Olsekki stood his ground and two of them had a duel for a long time, before Bomani opted to take a break and quit the fight. Suguta and the wild junior had their own game of pushing each other and when they got tired, resumed browsing.
Orwa, Bomani, Chemi Chemi, Suguta, Kibo, Challa, Kainuk and the wild junior reported early at the stockade compound. As soon as the gates were opened, the dependent orphans headed straight out to mingle with the ex-orphans. Namalok went to say hi to Suguta, but Suguta didn't take his greetings seriously and threatened to push him if he moved closer. Namalok turned and left, wanting to avoid running into trouble with Suguta.
The orphans settled to browse down in the lower Kalovoto area. After an hour or so, Challa walked away. The dependent orphans and the rest of the ex-orphans had a quiet morning, and at eleven o'clock they all walked to the Kalovoto mud bath together. The temperature was moderate and not everyone decided to go into the water to wallow. In the afternoon, Galla engaged Sapalan in a pushing game that ended in a draw. Sana Sana came across a muddy water hole and so decided to have fun by playing in the mud.
As soon as the orphans left the stockade, Tusuja and Rapa engaged in a strength testing exercise that went on for quite some time. Rapa quit the game when the going got tough for him, leaving Tusuja still charging around in a playful mood. Tusuja then lay down to have a lone game of rolling on the ground, when Olsekki came over and tried to push him up.
The orphans settled to browse on the eastern side of the stockade until mud bath time, when Kuishi led the way to the Kalovoto mud bath. On the way, Mundusi tried to challenge Tusuja but he was soon overcome by him, so he decided to just continue walking towards the mud bath quietly.
After having their milk bottles, the orphans participated wallowed in the water, before going back to continue with their browsing. The afternoon was quiet as the orphans concentrated on browsing. Orwa and his herd didn't join the orphans today, but browsed close to the stockade the entire day.
The sky was clear in the morning as the orphans strolled nonchalantly out from the stockade. Kauro and Tusuja had a morning warm up exercise that was done in the form of a pushing game. Shortly later, Kauro quit and Tusuja opted to roll on the ground, a game that went on for quite a while.
The orphans settled to browse in the Kanziku area up to mud bath time. Orwa's team didn't show up and they appear to have gone to link up with their other friends.
On the way to the mud bath, Mundusi and Tusuja had a brief strength testing exercise that ended immediately when they saw Barsilinga approaching. Soon after having their milk, the orphans opted to have a swim in the water hole, and after, to dry themselves, they had a dust bath as well. The afternoon was quiet as the orphans settled to browse along the western slopes of the Ithumba Hill.
Soon after leaving the stockades, the orphans headed south east of the stockades as Sapalan settled for water before catching up with his friends. It was a quiet morning as each orphan concentrated on browsing. Orwa and his friends, for the day second running, didn’t show up to see the dependent orphans today.
At eleven o'clock in the morning, the orphans walked to the Kalovoto mud bath and shortly afterwards, walked off into the bushes to continue browsing. Siangiki and Namalok settled for scratching while Mundusi settled to browse with Esampu. In the evening Barsilinga, Enkikwe and Kauro settled for soil dusting before teaming up with their friends to walk back to the stockades for the night.
Soon after leaving the stockades, the orphans headed straight to the water trough and had some water before walking out into the Park. Tusuja settled to play with Malima but abruptly changed his mind simply because Malima was too small and not strong to give him a proper challenge. Tusuja moved to tackle Mundusi and this game went on for quite a while. Kamok had a brief chat with Ambo as Malkia complained after Wanjala pushed her.
The orphans settled to browse in the Kone area up to mud bath time, when Kuishi led the first group. Mundusi, Tusuja and Olsekki were the last ones to finish wallowing. At one time, Tusuja tried to block Olsekki from coming out, but Olsekki fought his way until Tusuja surrendered.
Shortly after the orphans finished wallowing, six wild bulls emerged from the western side and slowly approached the water trough, where they quenched their thirst before relaxing under a nearby tree. The orphans settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill where they were joined by Zurura. Later in the evening, Zurura escorted the juniors back to the stockade. Barsilinga, who lagged behind feeding, reported later at six o'clock in the evening.
Tusuja, as with most mornings recently, woke up in a playful mood. He started his day's activities by rolling on the ground. His game attracted Olsekki, Malima and Kauro. On the way out to browse, Esampu and Malkia came across a suitable rock that they used to scratch on. The orphans settled to browse in the Kone area where Jotto and Malkia teamed up together, while Maramoja settled to browse with Kuishi.
At mud bath time, only half of the herd decided to swim in the water hole. The rest headed straight for soil dusting after boycotting the wallowing exercise. Mundusi played with Namalok for a bit before giving up and moving to have a strength testing exercise with Roi. Tusuja engaged Olsekki in a pushing game that lasted for quite some time while Karisa had a brief pushing game with Pare. Mapia settled for a scratching before resuming browsing. The afternoon was quiet as the orphans concentrated on browsing without any major observation.
As they were waiting for the gates to be opened, Karisa and Malkia kept themselves busy by engaging in a light pushing game, while Malima settled to scratch on the edge of the water trough. After the orphans were let out, Naseku had a game of rolling on the ground as she was watched by Jotto and Malima. Pare and Sapalan had strength testing exercise that lasted only for a short time. The two boys later resumed their pushing game that ended in a draw.
On the way to the mud bath, Kamok, Ambo, Sapalan and Siangiki dodged the Keepers and it took the Keepers nearly half an hour to find them as they hid in the bushes. The sun was hot but again only half of the group decided to swim after having their milk. After having a dust bath, Tusuja engaged Wanjala in a pushing game as Olsekki decided to tackle Ukame.
In the evening, the orphans came across a swampy area and decided to mud bath before returning back to the stockades. Barsilinga, who didn't show up to the mud bath, reported later at six o'clock in the evening.
The sky was clear in the morning which most likely meant a hot day a head. Karisa, Mundusi and Sapalan headed straight to the water trough soon after leaving the stockade. Kamok and Kauro had a brief strength testing exercise as Tusuja tackled Naseku. The orphans settled to browse just close by, as this was the day Sattao, Dololo and Musiara were to arrive from Nairobi.
At eight thirty in the morning, the lorry carrying the three new babies arrived at Ithumba. As the new arrivals walked out of the lorry to have a milk bottle and assimilate with their new surroundings, they were welcomed by Jotto, Ambo, Kuishi, Malima and Mapia. Mapia tried to show the three new boys that now he was senior to them and attempted to bully them. The Keepers cautioned him not to try his naughty games with the new babies. Maramoja, Kuishi, Malkia and Sana Sana spent more time with the babies as they tried to make them comfortable and show them their new environment.
At mud bath time the sun was shining. At first the orphans were hesitant to go in the water, and made sure to test the temperature first. Karisa and Tusuja decided to take the first step and were the first two to jump in, while their friends still took their time deliberating. Some decided to join Karisa and Tusuja, while the others decided not to even step foot into the mud bath water. The new arrivals were very hesitant due to the sheer size of the water hole at Ithumba! With time, the new babies will get used to everything here.
Tusuja and Olsekki had a soil bathing game that later turned into a pushing game. Shortly later, Tusuja quit the game and went to play with Mundusi. In the afternoon, Kauro had his own game of rolling on the ground. Malkia played a nanny to Musiara for quite some time. In the evening, the new babies were escorted back to stockade by Jotto, Ambo and Malima who will be their roommates. Ex-orphans Zurura and Challa showed up at the stockade compound and left later after spending time in a pushing game.
It was the first morning at Ithumba for Dololo, Musiara and Sattao. The three boys followed their friends out for their new day at Ithumba to begin their new routine and discover their new browsing areas.
Barsilinga woke up feeling pain in his sore foot again. We had a close up look at the sore foot and removed some pus before cleaning it and applying green clay. Barsilinga decided to feed close to stockade the entire day.
Ndiwa assigned herself the role of taking care of Dololo, Musiara and Sattao. At mud bath time, Challa and Zurura showed up first and went straight into the water hole for a swim. Soon after the dependent orphans had their milk, Dololo and Musiara felt the heat of the day and decided to cool themselves down by getting into the water to wallow as well. They were joined later by few of their friends. Dololo and Musiara had so much fun in the water it was hard to get them to leave! This was amazing to see considering the way in which Dololo was found when we had to rescue him – stuck fast in a mud hole. The orphans then had a soil bath before heading back out to browse.
Olsekki tried to challenge Zurura but found out that obviously Zurura was too big and strong for him. In the evening it was still quite hot, and the orphans decided to pass by the mud bath again where all of them enjoyed an evening cooling-off exercise before proceeding back to the stockades for the night.
It was a tense morning and the orphans appeared very unsettled due to something they could apparently hear or smell that must have passed by close to the stockade compound at night. Luckily, the ex-orphans Zurura, Orwa, Bomani, Chemi Chemi, Kibo and Chaimu arrived and this helped reduce the tension among the orphans. Barsilinga woke up feeling better and decided to accompany his friends out to browse.
The orphans settled to browse in the Kone area and didn't move far away from their Keepers. The three new boys are fitting in well with the group. At mud bath time Ambo led Sattao, Musiara and Dololo, who he remembers from the Nursery, for the midday milk feed. The day was hot and all orphans decided to wallow in the main mud bath.
In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse along the western slopes of Ithumba Hill. In the evening, Musiara led the way back to the stockades.
Soon after leaving her stockade, Naseku walked up to the gate of the stockade where the new babies sleep, and waited until they were let out together with their friends. After all the orphans were let out, Sattao led the way out to the Park but mid-way, Wanjala tried to block him from leading the way. Wanjala held Sattao and Musiara for some time as if lecturing them about the rules and regulations they should observe when their seniors are close to them.
Orwa, Chaimu, Kibo, Chemi Chemi and Bomani arrived and teamed up with the juniors. Kibo decided to have a game of rolling on the ground, a game that attracted Malima who imitated what Kibo was doing. Ndiwa spent some time with Musiara before parting ways.
At mud bath time it was quite cool and none of the orphans dared to step into the mud bathing water. Ambo, Jotto and Malima settled for soil dusting. In the afternoon, the orphans settled in between Ithumba Hill and the Imenti area. In the evening the orphans were escorted back to the stockade compound by the ex-orphans. Shortly before six o'clock in the evening, Challa showed up and teamed with Chaimu, Orwa, Chemi Chemi, Bomani and Kibo.
When the gates of the stockades were opened this morning, Musiara and Dololo walked out as they knew exactly where they were going. One would have thought that the two boys have been here for a long time. Upon getting close to the water troughs outside the compound, Musiara and Dololo appeared to have come to the end of the road and they didn't know which direction to go in, so they stopped and rumbled asking their more senior friends which direction they would prefer to take. Karisa the street-wise boy overtook them, and led the way out to browse. Musiara and Dololo might be feeling confident, but they don’t quite yet have the knowledge it takes to lead the herd!
Later out in the bush, the dependent-orphans were joined by Orwa, Bomani, Chemi Chemi, Chaimu, Challa and Zurura again. Challa and Zurura didn't stay for long but left a few minutes later. Orwa and Chemi Chemi had a strength testing exercise that didn't last for long. Later, Orwa tackled Olsekki who surrendered soon when the going got too tough for him.
Mapia teamed up with Ukame to browse while Dololo teamed with Sattao as Orwa moved to join Siangiki to feed. At mud bath time, Kuishi led the first group to the mud bath. Soon after having their milk bottles, half of the group decided to wallow in the main water hole. Karisa and Tusuja emerged as the stars of the day as they had a prolonged swimming session, even after the rest of the herd had left the water. The orphans finalized their mud bath activities by participating in a soil bathing exercise.
In the afternoon, the orphans settled on the western side of Ithumba Hill. Kamok, who didn't go swimming at noon, began to feel the heat of the day and so decided to take a break from feeding and relaxed under a tree until the temperature dropped, and only then did she resume browsing.
Chaimu, Kibo, Orwa, Bomani and Chemi Chemi reported early at the stockade compound and waited until the juniors were let out. Once the orphans were out, Chaimu decided to greet Malima. Due to respect and fear of Chaimu, Malima didn't stay close to Chaimu for long, but continued with her journey. Malima didn't want to cause any trouble by being socially disrespectful of Chaimu, so she decided that carrying on with her journey was the best course of action. Chaimu moved on to play with Kibo, his age-mate as they are both eleven years old, as Karisa led the way out.
Orwa played with Chemi Chemi while Malkia kept Sattao and Musiara company for a short time. Sattao made the mistake of passing in front of Esampu. Esampu took this as a sign of Sattao being disrespectful to her simply because of her being small in size, and she pushed Sattao hard, just to show him that being small doesn't mean that she can't fight for her space. Sattao didn't utter a word but moved away as if nothing had happened.
Later at eleven o'clock in the morning, the orphans headed for their midday milk feed and thereafter, as usual, half of the group participated in wallowing while the rest preferred soil dusting. On the way back to browsing, Pare had it rough when he overtook Oltaiyoni. Oltaiyoni grabbed Pare’s tail and bit it as a punishment for not respecting his elders and overtaking them. Pare managed to pull himself free and probably made sure to commit that experience to memory so as not to repeat it again. In the afternoon the sun was still hot and orphans took a break to relax under a tree until it became cooler, and they could continue browsing.
Soon after walking out to the bush to browse, the dependent orphans were joined by Kibo and later his friends Orwa, Bomani, Chemi Chemi and Chaimu. Sattao led the way deeper into the bush where the orphans had a quiet morning as they browsed calmly without any major distractions.
At mud bath time, though the sun was hot, none of the orphans dared to step into the mud bathing water. Sattao led Dololo and Musiara back into the bush where all the other orphans followed. At the moment the three new boys appear to be controlling the group because whatever direction they take, all the other orphans follow suit.
In the afternoon Bomani climbed on Tusuja while Kuishi teamed up with Mapia to browse. Later Mapia moved to join Kibo who was feeding. In the evening, ex-orphan Rapsu showed up at the stockade compound and teamed up with Orwa, Bomani, Chaimu, Chemi Chemi and Kibo.
The orphans left the stockades immediately after getting their morning milk bottles. Karisa led the way to the browsing field where Oltaiyoni teamed up with Naseku to browse while Ambo settled for soil dusting. Dololo walked up to Musiara who was standing still and Dololo kept on pushing him from behind if he wanted them to move forward. Kamok settled with Kauro and had a brief chat before parting ways. Orwa, Bomani, Chaimu, Chemi Chemi and Kibo joined the dependent orphans with Kibo appearing to have woken up in a bad mood, since he was charging around everywhere and even at the Keepers!
At mud bath time, the sun was hot but the orphans refused to take a bath. Ambo rumbled and this drew the attention of Kamok who came rushing over to find out what the problem was. Siangiki also heard from a distance and came to join Kamok in attending to Ambo's rumbles. Sapalan played with Namalok while Olsekki tackled Tusuja.
In the afternoon the orphans took a break from feeding to relax under some trees. The orphans resumed browsing when the temperature dropped later in the afternoon. In the evening, the orphans passed by the mud bath for an evening cooling-off exercise before proceeding back to the stockades. Zurura, Challa and Rapsu showed up in the evening in the company of four wild bulls.
Karisa led the way out in the morning and was followed by Dololo, Sattao and Musiara. Out in the bush the orphans were joined by Chaimu, Kibo and Chemi Chemi. Tusuja had a game of rolling on ground where Olsekki came to have a pushing game with him. Chaimu had a brief close conversation with Namalok, who perhaps wanted to know where the group goes every evening and comes back in the morning. The orphans settled to browse in the Kone area and had a quiet morning.
At mud bath time, the orphans were joined by Challa and a wild elephant. Only the wild elephant decided to go into the water to wallow. The orphans participated in soil bathing and shortly later walked to relax under a tree. Olsekki played with Bomani while Jotto had a brief chat with Dololo. In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill until evening, when it was time to return back to the stockades.
Malima woke up in a playful mood. Soon after leaving the stockade, she decided to roll down on the ground just close to the stockade, and quit when she felt she had done enough. Namalok, Ukame, Siangiki, Olsekki and Barsilinga passed by the compound water trough where they had some water before leaving for browsing. Barsilinga and Malkia found some suitable tree stumps that they used to scratch their bellies on. Later, Malkia teamed up with Chemi Chemi for a mud bath in a small water hole they had come across. Shortly before it was time to go for their noon milk bottles, Malkia spent some time with the three new boys.
Later on at the mud bath, only some orphans participated in wallowing as the rest of the group settled for soil dusting. In the afternoon, Sapalan took some time to have a chat with Musiara. Later Malkia took Musiara, Sattao and Dololo to somewhere with mud and showed them how to cool themselves down by throwing mud on themselves since the sun was so hot. In the evening on the way back to the stockades, the orphans passed by the mud bath again where they had a prolonged wallowing session to cool down.
Soon after taking their morning milk, the orphans passed by the water trough to have some water before proceeding out to the browsing field. On the way Galla, Siangiki, Esampu and Ndiwa came across some rocks that they used to scratch on. Later, Galla had a strength testing exercise with Karisa. The rest of the morning was quiet up to mud bath time when the orphans headed for their mid-day milk feeds and to wallow in the main waterhole. After wallowing, Naseku challenged Wanjala while Mundusi tackled Tusuja, a game that ended when Olsekki interrupted by pushing Mundusi away.
In the afternoon, Maramoja took some time to take care of Dololo one of the boys that came from Nairobi one and half weeks ago. Maramoja, who initially did not show much interest in the new youngsters, suddenly had a change of heart and became very welcoming and loving towards the new babies. In the evening, the orphans passed by the mud bath to cool themselves down since it was still hot. Three bulls were enjoying a drink from the trough there but when they saw the Keepers they stepped back, and returned to drink again when the Keepers left with the orphans.
Soon after leaving the stockades, the orphans headed to the water troughs and had some water before walking out to browse. Karisa was in a jovial mood as expressed by the swinging of his trunk and kicking of dusting as he was walking.
Out in the bush, Karisa teamed up with Sapalan. Dololo teamed up with Mteto briefly, before proceeding to scratch against a log he had come across. Malkia had some time with Musiara, as Esampu settled for scratching. Orwa, Bomani, Chaimu, Chemi Chemi and Kibo joined the orphans mid-morning. Chemi Chemi played with Bomani while Jotto engaged Esampu in a light pushing game. Malima had an itchy neck and used a baobab tree to get rid of the itch.
At mud bath time only Kibo, Namalok and Wanjala decided to go in the water. The rest opted for a soil bathing exercise. Olsekki tackled Bomani, a game that ended in a draw. In the afternoon, the sun was really hot and the orphans took a break from feeding to relax under a tree. They resumed eating later on when it was cooler. In the evening on the way back to the stockades, the orphans passed by the mud bath for an evening cooling-off exercise.
It was a quiet morning without much fun. The orphans strolled nonchalantly out from their stockades and headed out to browse. Oltaiyoni settled to feed with Rapa while Enkikwe teamed up with Kamok. Later in the day Mapia tried to challenge Galla but ended up losing the battle. Malkia came across a small muddy pool that she used to splash some cool mud behind her ears, as Dololo watched from a distance. The sun was hot and Sapalan with Orwa decided to take a break from feeding to relax under a tree.
When it was time for their noon milk feed and mud bath, despite the hot sun, none of the orphans fancied going into the water. After having some milk and water, the orphans returned back to browsing. Dololo and Musiara relaxed under a tree for some time before following their friends. Sana Sana had a soil dusting exercise that didn't last for long. The orphans settled to browse along the western side of Ithumba Hill for the rest of the day.
Soon after leaving the stockade in the morning, Barsilinga, Tusuja, Oltaiyoni, Sapalan and Karisa settled for water before heading out. Karisa woke up in a playful mood. As soon as he had enough water, he tried to persuade Sapalan to join him in a pushing game, by pushing him from behind. Sapalan turned and engaged Karisa in a game that ended in a draw. Karisa then moved to play with Jotto before heading to have his own game of rolling on the ground. The orphans settled to browse in the Kone area where Kuishi teamed up with Bomani to browse. Later, Olsekki engaged Bomani in a strength testing exercise.
Zurura and a wild friend had arrived earlier at the mud bath and were there when the orphans arrived, just relaxing under a tree. Soon after the orphans had their milk, Suguta leading Turkwel, Kainuk, Kithaka, Garzi and Lemoyian showed up at mud bath. The first thing they did was to go and check whether there was any milk left, but unfortunately there was none, as these orphans have been independent for some months! Turkwel, Kithaka, Garzi and Lemoyian left their human family on the 27th December last year, and this is their first appearance since they left. Turkwel was surprised to see new babies and walked to say hello to them, while Lemoyian wanted to find out how much strength he has gained by engaging Tusuja in a pushing game. Only Musiara and the wild elephant decided to have a mud bath in all the excitement. In the afternoon, the sun was still hot and the orphans took a break from feeding to relax in some shade, before browsing again and then returning home in the evening.
The orphans, led by Karisa, headed straight out to browse soon after leaving the stockade compound. Kithaka, Lemoyian, Garzi and Turkwel spent their night just outside the stockade and joined the dependent orphans in the morning. It was a quiet morning as the orphans went about their browsing business without any major distractions. Ex-orphan Zurura and his wild friend in the company of Kibo, Chaimu, Kainuk, Suguta, Orwa, Bomani, and their wild friend too, joined the dependent orphans later in the day. At mud bath time the orphans only had their milk bottles and some water before walking off without a mud bath. In the evening on the way back to the stockades, the orphans passed by the mud bath again where this time they had an evening cooling-off exercise, and later proceeded on to the stockades for the night.