Chui Team Mtito Update: 01 September 2009

Chui Team Mtito Update: 01 September 2009

De – Snaring Report for September 09


Alex Macharia James Nyumu Nterito Kapina Francis Chege Semeli Lolchuraki Bramuel Ireri Peter Mwangi

Area of operation:

During the month of September the Mtito team patrolled Private Ranches surrounding the National Parks. These include Kilalinda, Mtito River, Kalawa, Community area and Trust Land.



This month’s areas of operation are home to allot of wildlife especially big game like Elephant, buffalo, and Zebra who move into these areas due to the drought. Competition for food has driven animals out of the parks making them more vulnerable to poaching. Logging has also shot up dramatically with huge amount being supplied to Mtito Andei Town daily from the Park. Most of this wood is not used for subsistence use, instead it is a money making Commercial trade.

The Community lands are also heavily affected by this business as most of the trees in these areas have been cut, leaving the parks as the next target of the loggers. Charcoal sold in Mtito Andei mostly comes from the National Park.

The majority of snares lifted this month targeted small game like Dikdik and other small antelopes.

Numerous footprints where seen heading into the Park. Illegal Cattle grazing is also increasingly becoming a problem. The Cattle are being driven deeper into the National Park in search for grazing which threatens wildlife which is pushed out of the Park in search for food. The Team has noticed that due to declined grazing lands around community areas (due to the cattle destroying all that is left) snaring activity is low as there is nothing to the wildlife close. The poaching activity is concentrated around water sources, private ranches, and deep inside the Parks where wildlife congregate due to availability of food and water. Poachers are also switching their tactics as snaring becomes less effective they currently use more torching and arrowing techniques.

A large number of carcasses were seen during patrols, most had fallen victim to the drought.

Hippos and Crocodiles are the worst affected due to their heavy reliance on water.
Food is also a major problem for Hippos. The Trust is currently sending down truck loads of Lucerne down to Tsavo West to feed them. If it were not for this food given to them daily these too would perish. About 20 or more Hippos rely solely on this feed supplied by the Trust.

Community Work

Two schools where taken in educational trip into the National Park namely Kikwasuni and Iviani Primary School. The areas visited include: Chaimu Hills, Shetani Lava, Mzima Springs, and Rhino Valley. Both schools saw allot of wildlife during their Game drives including elephant, hippo, buffalo, and various antelopes.

Report by

Alex Macharia - Mtito Team Leader