Peregrine Team Update: 01 June 2004

Peregrine Team Update: 01 June 2004


Peter Wambua Isaiya Ndei Julius Muthoka

With the onset of the dry season there seems to be a large amount of wildlife moving out of the park and into this area for water from the river. For this reason our de-snaring operation was concentrated mainly along the river as this is the most likely place that snares will be laid. Irrigation in the communities and the waste of water has led to the drying up of the Mtito River.The hippos are still in the same area near the trust land. We have employed some people from the neighboring community to help us with patrols and other things on the Trust land, it enables some of the community members to earn some money which they would otherwise get from charcoal or bush meat. There seems to be a large amount of people in the community who are getting work with the other farmers in the area which also provides them with money. Other than de-snaring we have transplanted most of the neem trees in the nursery to plastic bags, which will then be ready to go out to the communities.

Report by Peter Wambua