Nyati Team Tiva Update: 01 December 2004

Nyati Team Tiva Update: 01 December 2004

Gazi Team

December De-snaring report 2004


Kasau Lerat – Team Leader Samuel Lolchuraki Adan Abdi Julius Mumo KWS rangers



At last the long awaited rains have finally come to the area and provided relief to hundreds of animals and people. All the seasonal wells, damns and luggas have filled up and there is plenty to eat and drink in the area. The area has had a huge amount of rain this month and on some days has hampered de-snaring operations. Despite the rain the team managed to collect 281 snares in the month. The team spent hours walking to areas as the car was unable to access certain parts of the area of operation. At the power line Gazi team retrieved a total of 150 snares in one day. We then went back to the same area and found a further 107 snares. This is obviously someone’s area of operation and we will try to catch the culprit hopefully next year. This area is very easy to access as it is along the boundary and so people can move in and out of the park quickly. Kimweli and Kalovoto were characterised by a few human prints seen moving out of the park, 24 snares were lifted in these area’s but none of them were fresh. Snaring in the area’s we visited this month has been greatly reduced. This is mainly because of the rains but we also hope that it is a result of the constant patrols that the team has been doing here since the start of the year.

Report by Kasau Lerat