Alamaya's latest photos

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Alamaya pushing Limalima

Alamaya swatting flies with his trunk

Alamaya enjoying being in the long grass

Mwashoti and Murera with Alamaya lying down

Big boy Jasiri spends time with little Alamaya

Zongoloni playing with Alamaya

Alamaya and Ziwa reappear after getting lost

Sonje looking after Alamaya

Murera hugs Alamaya

Ziwa and Alamaya splashing in the mud

Alamaya under the belly of the bigger Orphans

Alamaya enjoys browsing

Playful Alamaya

Alamaya after a dustbath

Murera with Alamaya and Mwashoti

Alamaya and Murera browsing with the others

Alamaya walking on the road

Lima Lima plays with Alamaya

Ngasha and Alamaya browsing together

Lima Lima with Alamaya

Alamaya munching on a branch

Mwashoti and Alamaya browsing together

Murera browsing with Alamaya

Alamaya in the browsing fields

Alamaya and Mwashoti playing pushing games

Quanza and Alamaya browsing together

Alamaya scratching

Alamaya busy browsing on green vegetation

Alamaya browsing near Zongoloni

Alamaya flapping his ears

Alamaya with his friends

Alamaya on the left browsing with Mwashoti

Alamaya browsing near Zongoloni

Mwashoti and Alamaya strength testing

Alamaya browsing with the others

Zongoloni and Alamaya dustbathing

Alamaya trying to reach high branches

Alamaya surrounded by greenery

Alamaya reaching for soft bark

Sonje and Alamaya browsing together

Alamaya browsing

Zongloni watching Alamaya mudbathing

Alamaya after a mudbath

Alamaya holding his own bottle

Sweet Alamaya

Alamaya busy feeding

Zongoloni and Alamaya strength testing

Alamaya and Mwashoti strength testing

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