Limalima waiting for Alamaya
Alamaya blowing bubbles
Alamaya leads orphans to bottle feed time
Alamaya cools off with the mud from the heat
Sonje takes care of Alamaya after midday feed
Alamaya breaks off a soft branch
Sonje and Alamaya ready for morning activities
Jasiri blocking Alamaya's way
Zongoloni looks after Alamaya at dust-bath time
Mwashoti and Alamaya pushing games
Alamaya coming down slowly fron the rocks
Zongoloni and Alamaya licking salts
Alamaya can smell other wild animals
Alamaya trying to climb over a rock
Alamaya and friend maneuvering a rocky place
Alamaya and Sonje ready for morning browsing
Alamaya descending from the hills
Alamaya and Murera leading orphans to Umani Hills
Sonje rumbles for Alamaya
Alamaya licking salts
Alamaya has funw ith a palm tree
Alamaya playing in the bushes
Alamaya and Mwashoti pushing games
Murera walking away with Alamaya
Alamaya looking for soft brqanches
Alamaya after wallowing
Alamaya feeds on twigs
Alamaya enjoying the lush grass
Alamaya walking towards Umani Hills
Alamaya with the big girls
Mwashoti and Alamaya playing
Alamaya scratching
Alamaya leading the babies home
Alamaya enjoying Lucerne
Alamaya picking up pods
Alamaya and Quanza having a drink
Zongoloni with Sonje and Alamaya
Mwashoti and Alamaya at the waterhole
Alamaya trying to mount Zongolonis back
Lima Lima follows Alamaya and Zongoloni
Alamaya walking along the springs
Alamaya and his friends
Alamaya picking some browse after bottle feeding
Murera taking Alamaya away after drinking water
Alamaya ready to drink water from the hole
Alamaya pushing Lima Lima
Murera with Alamaya at the saltlick
Little boys Alamaya with Mwashoti