Sattao's latest photos

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Sattao and Kuishi run for their 9am milk bottle

Sattao searches for left over lucerne

Sattao with Tagwa in the background

Sattao browsing with his friends

Sattao in a playful mood

Maisha and Sattao browsing together

Sattao enjoys some solo browsing

Sattao in the forest

Maktao trying to sniff Sattao's mouth

Maisha Sattao and Enkesha head to 11am feed

Sattao avoiding Kiko after getting a little kick

Sattao finds a quiet browsing spot

Sattao carrying a stick

Sattao finds a quiet browsing spot

Sattao browsing with Ambo

Sattao playing on the ground

Sattao walking through the bush

Maktao, Mapia and Sattao

Sattao and Ambo eating

Kuishi with little Sattao

Sana Sana, Malima and Sattao

Sattao looking for Tagwa

Mbegu with little Sattao

Sattao and Mbegu together later in the day

Sattao having his milk

Little Sattao was woken up in the night

Musiara, Sattao and Murit behind

Maktao with Sattao behind

Sweet little Sattao

Mbegu and Sattao browsing quietly

Sattao browsing on his own

Mbegu turning around to beckon Sattao

Mbegu and Sattao spend time a lot of together

Sattao with Mbegu and Mundusi

Sattao with our Keeper, Peter

Sattao chosing to stay a little closer to Mbegu

Sattao trying to take shelter with Mbegu

Sattao with Mbegu

Sattao and Mbegu

Mbegu, Sattao, Maktao and Kuishi

Sattao with his beloved keepers

Sattao in the bush

Mundusi, Mbegu, Sattao and Malima

Sattao with Musiara

Musiara, Malkia and Sattao

Sattao playing

Funny little Sattao

Musiara, Malkia and Sattao

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